Chapter 13 - I Can Handle It

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"Hi." I rose an eyebrow at Alessio who dropped down on the seat opposite my desk with a cheeky grin plastered across his face. I put my pen down on my desk and leaned back, waiting for him to say something. I'd been expecting him to give me an unexpected visit at work soon, it just happened a lot faster than I expected.

"How's your new car?" It had been three days since that night and I still couldn't get over the fact Alessio had bought me a new car which was almost three times the price of my old one, just because he thought the bomb was his fault. I mean it probably was but he didn't have to do that for me, it really was too much.

"It's very nice thank you, even though I didn't want an upgrade." I gave him a pointed look causing him to roll his eyes, not paying any attention to what I said.

"What are you doing here? I do have work to do you know." He gave me an amused smile at this. "I think you're forgetting I own this company. You're not the only thing here that I have to take care of." He gave me a wink when he said the last bit causing me to roll my eyes knowing exactly what he meant. "Well, go and do that then."

"So you're in a bad mood then." He nodded to himself and slowly stood to his feet, his tone becoming much less amused. "I'm not in a bad mood, I've just got a lot to do."

I really was in a bad mood, but Alessio didn't need to know about the blood that was currently flowing out of me. It was too much information, we weren't that close yet.

"I'll leave you to get on with it then." I could by his tone he was annoyed. Again. I feel like he couldn't handle someone ever saying no to him, or telling him what to do. He's probably so used to being the capo that unless it's his parents he can't handle it.

"Alessio." He stopped in his tracks by the door when he heard my voice as I stood up, making my way over to him. I moved around him so that I was facing him and slid my arms around his waist, leaning up so that I could press my lips against his. "I really do love the car." I mumbled against his lips, giving him a small smile which disappeared the second he pressed his lips to mine again, this time with a lot more intensity than the last kiss.

Eventually he pulled away from me, giving me the same grin from earlier. "I'll come by your apartment and see you later, I need to talk to you about something, since you're too busy for me now." I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic dig and pecked his lips once last time. "Just go before you cause an argument."

He chuckled at my words before finally leaving my office. He was seriously irritating, yet cute at the same time.

I managed to get through the whole day and before I knew it I was curled up on my couch after a couple of hours of binge watching The Vampire Diaries for the third time, now contemplating wether I should even bother going to bed or just sleep on the couch. I was one of the laziest people ever, but I had an excuse, I was on my period. So I was allowed to be as lazy as I wanted.

My eyes began to shut once again when the sound of knocking on my door startled me awake. I'd completely forgot Alessio said he was going to come over, but he really needs to learn better time management. Letting out a tired groan I managed to drag myself off the couch and down the hallway to the front door. I opened the door sending Alessio a tired glare, to which he just smiled. This was the first time I've ever seen him outside his own house in sweats and a hoodie. Honestly I could just stare at him for the rest of my life and not get bored. He could make anything look good.

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