Chapter 38 - I Don't Have A Good Feeling About This

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"I'll drive Tomasso home to get his things since we left his car at the house and then we'll come back to get you and Alana once you've packed everything. Just pack whatever you can find, we can buy anything else we need after."

I nodded my head and leaned up to kiss Alessio, the kiss was soft and slow and I pecked his lips once more before mumbling against his lips. "I'm sorry about your car."

He wasn't showing it but I knew how upset he was that his car took quite so many hits when we were getting shot at. His Lamborghini was his favourite possession, everyone knew just how much he loved it.

"At least his freaking car is still here, we left mine there." I pulled away from Alessio the two of looking at Tomasso who was glaring at straight back at us. "Now stop with the PDA and hurry up because I don't fancy being shot at again."


Tomasso rolled his eyes at me and got back in the car while Alessio just chuckled. "I'll see you soon baby. If they ask any questions just tell them I'll talk to them later, it'll give me some time to come up with something."

"Okay, be careful Alessio. I love you."

"I will, I love you too baby." With that he left me and got in the car driving away with Tomasso. Letting out a deep breath I went inside, my first thought being to go and find Alana and get her away from everyone as soon as possible.

Part of me felt bad for having to take her away from everyone and then lie to them but until we knew who here was working with my family we couldn't take any risks.

Making my way into the kitchen I smiled at Alessio's father who was talking to Alana about something while she just babbled away in her high chair.

"Ah Luciana you're back. Did you have a good night?" I nodded my head, a soft smile on my face as I made my way over to them.

"I did thank you, I hope she wasn't too much trouble last night."

"Oh don't worry, she's my only granddaughter, she's never too much trouble."

Have you ever had that strong feeling of guilt just hit you all in one go making you feel sick to your stomach? It didn't feel good, especially since I was pretty sure Alessio's father had nothing to do with what was going on, it wouldn't make any sense for him to follow my dad who betrayed him.

But you can never be too careful.

"You don't mind if I take her do you? I've got some things to do with Alessio and-"

"Of course Luciana, go ahead." He gave me a kind smile as he stood to his feet, Alana watching his movements as he did. "When you see Alessio tell him to call me, he's been AWOL since yesterday afternoon and there's things we need to discuss."

I nodded as I lifted Alana out of her high chair, kissing her cheek as I did. "I will."

Giving him one last smile I quickly left the kitchen and while avoiding as many people as I could I went upstairs to my room and packed mine and Alana's things. After that I went to Alessio's room and packed his things into a suitcase I found under the bed. He didn't have a lot of things here since he didn't actually live here, but he did spend quite a few nights here when Alana used stayed over and he's been here ever since Alana and I were here too.

It was only about half an hour later when Alessio came into my room with Tomasso in tow, the two of them quickly grabbing the full bags on the floor.

"You have everything?" I nodded my head, picking Alana up and grabbing her blankie which I knew she would never sleep without before following them out the room and downstairs.

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