Chapter 14 - If He Kills Me, I'm Coming Back To Haunt You

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Everything heats up in this chapter 👀

I hope you guys enjoy it, vote and comment to let me know your thoughts! ❤️

~ Luciana's POV ~

My eyes scanned over the dimly lit room as Alessio guided me towards the long table where people were already sitting, probably waiting for us. The only ones I recognised were Rafael, Daliah and Alice, the blonde who was sitting with Daliah that day I slapped her. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when the two of them sent me glares, clearly judging every single thing about me. First they started with my face, then my dress, then the way Alessio was holding my hand. It was Alice who picked up on this, sending me a glare when her eyes zeroed in on our proximity.

I like how Alessio just conveniently forgot to mention the other few people who were coming who he knew I absolutely hated.

I sat down between Alessio and Tomasso, who was actually my second favourite person at this table at that point surprisingly. Even if he was sitting next to Alice, clearly she was his date since Daliah was with Rafael. I finally looked across the table at the people sitting opposite us. There were two couples, but the two men were sitting next to one another opposite Alessio, with their dates either side of them. The two women were sitting there with emotionless expressions while the men watched us with similar faces void of any emotion. They were definitely intimidating that was for damn sure.

"Alessio, you finally made it." Alessio let out a forced chuckle at this, clearly not finding what he said amusing in the slightest. It was obvious he was just trying to keep the tension down since we hadn't even been here for less than two minutes. Any other day he wouldn't have laughed if someone used that tone with him.

The same man who spoke, seemed to be the one taking charge of the conversation out of the two of them, for the evening. "Tomasso." He nodded in Tomasso's direction before his eyes settled on me in the middle. He glanced over at Alessio before looking back at me, clearly asking for an introduction.

"Lorenzo this is my date, Luciana Donato." My surname seemed to catch both of their attention and amusement soon flashed in Lorenzo's eyes. "Ah, Giuseppe's daughter?"

I gave him a small nod confirming what he said when the other one next to him, who I soon learned to be called Alberto, let out a small chuckle.

"You're very clever getting close to Alessio now, a lot of people are after your father Luciana."

"That's not why I'm with him." He nodded with a smirk on his face, clearly not believing a word I said. "Of course not."

"Lorenzo." Tomasso's deep voice cut through the tension building, causing Lorenzo's eyes to snap towards him instead of me. "We're not here to discuss her."

Lorenzo chuckled at Tomasso's words before whispering something to Alberto who's eyes still hadn't left mine.

Before anyone could say anything else a waitress came into the room, holding a notebook with a forced smile on her face. She knew who they were and she knew she just walked straight into a room full of mafia members. "Are you ready to place your order?"

The others started ordering when I finally got a chance to look down at the menu infront of me. Everything was written in Italian, so I had absolutely no clue what anything said. The only thing I could read was the price, and let me tell you, the dishes were more expensive than me.

I nudged Alessio who looked at me, before nodding when he realised what the problem was. "I'll order for you amore mio. Is pasta okay?" I gave him a grateful smile while nodding just as the waitress came over to us. Alessio scanned over the menu for a few more seconds before he ordered for both of us.

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