Chapter 11 - He's Coming

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~ Luciana's POV ~

Almost two weeks had passed since I started working at my new job, since I last spoke to Alessio and since I received that text message.

Everything was going absolutely fine, if you count being super stressed about work as being fine.

I've become good friends with Gemma in the last two weeks too, we seemed to hit it off on my second day when we went out for drinks in the evening after work. Needless to say she got to meet my drunk side, but she loved her and really that's all that matters in a true friendship.

"Luciana are you sure you don't need any help." I nodded my head at Gemma who was standing at my office door with her coat and purse. We had been working extremely late all week to get a project finished and we were the last ones here again tonight.

"I've only got a little bit left to do then I'll go home. Honestly it's not a problem. Simon is probably waiting for you, you should go." She gave me a grateful smile, her eyes lighting up at the mention of her boyfriend. He was all she ever talked about, they'd been together for three years, they were completely in love. She was even waiting for him to propose now, every time there was a birthday or special occasion she was ready for that ring.

"I owe you one Luciana." She sent me one last smile before leaving down the hallway. The 9pm silence helped me to get on with the work I needed to finish, and before I knew it I was finally leaving at 9:45pm - the latest I've ever stayed at work before. I hate the work life. When people tell you that your school years are the best years of your life they're not kidding. I wish I could go back, you never laugh again as much as you do in secondary school. That life is just a whole other level.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I made my way out to the parking lot, ready to get home and go straight to sleep. The breeze around me picked up as I neared my car, now the only car left in the lot since everyone else had gone home.

I approached my car, picking out the cool metal of my car keys in my purse, my progressively numbing fingers wrapping tightly around them as I walked. I unlocked the car with my key going towards the passenger side to put my purse down first when a sudden force caused me to go flying backwards, my body connecting with the concrete floor of the parking lot at full force.

I slowly sat up trying to gather my bearings of my surrounding while the dull ringing in my ears continued. My eyes focussed on the blurry mass of fire infront of me, when I finally comprehended what had just happened. I watched the flames of my burning car dance in front of me, it just appeared to be a huge blur of orange.

My hands seemed to be moving on their own accord and I shakily took out my phone to call the one person who could help me in this situation.

My whole body remained numb while I waited for him to answer; it was almost as if I wasn't even breathing. As soon as I heard his voice on the other line I tried to make myself speak, but my voice came out hoarse and thick from the smoke around me.

" car-" My sentence was abruptly cut off when I took a breath of the thick smoke and suddenly began coughing. I could hear Alessio trying to speak to me but I couldn't even find a second to breathe between the coughs nevermind respond to him. When I finally managed to suppress the coughs I held the phone up to my ear again. "My car exploded, I'm at work."

It was silent for a moment before he finally spoke again, his voice completely clear and alert.

"Luciana listen to me, are you hurt? You need to try and move away from the car if you can incase there's a second bomb." He was doing something on the other side while I tried to shuffle as far away from the burning car, although my limbs seemed frozen in that moment.

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