Chapter 2 - A One Time Thing

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~Luciana's POV~

I let out a small groan and moved in closer to the warmth next to me in my bed. As I became more and more awake the strong scent of cologne invaded my senses causing me to frown. I slowly opened my eyes regretting not closing the curtains the night before, when the light shone directly in my eyes. I had to shield my eyes from the sun, looking away from it when they settled on a tattooed chest in front of me.

I can't say I minded waking up to such a beautiful sight, but it's not exactly what I expected.

I glanced up to see Alessio with his arm over his face shielding his eyes from the sunlight, I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not.

So we slept together. That happens.

I slept with a stranger. Again, that happens, it's called a one night stand.

I slept with my kidnapper.

Yeah, that doesn't happen.

I suddenly sat up holding the sheets to my chest before turning to look at Alessio again. The sheet was barely covering his stomach, showing his perfect abs and tattoos. Flashes of last night came back to me...when I ran my hands down his perfect chest, over his abs and down towards...

I let out a sigh and dropped back down on the bed next to him.
This can't be happening.

"Problem?" The sound of Alessio's deep voice caused me to jump, I turned to see him smirking at me.
"I think you know the problem."

"Well you can't blame me. I tried to leave many, many times. You wanted this. We did it three times if I remember correctly." I shook my head at the smugness in his tone and closed my eyes, my mind drifting back to the events of last night.

I managed to get super drunk, some how, then I ended up suggesting to him that he stayed with me and before I knew it my dress was on the floor and I was screaming his name in my bed. I covered my face with my hands when my cheeks began to heat up, only getting worse when he chuckled next to me, probably thinking about the same thing.

One thing I can say about him is that he's seriously bipolar. One minute he's nice, then he's angry, then he's silent, then he's being nice again. Half the time I can't even keep up with my own mood swings, never mind someone else's.

Last night he started acting all weird as soon as I mentioned the mafia. This only increased my suspicions, I had a feeling he was involved in the mafia. I've been around enough of them to know.

"Alessio?" He hummed quietly in response, waiting for me to speak.
"Can I ask you a question?"

He turned his head towards me, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Go ahead."

"Are you in the mafia?" I let the words leave my mouth before I chickened out, because the more I thought about the possibility of him being involved, the more it seemed likely and the more I didn't want to find out the truth. He didn't seem surprised by my question, like he was already expecting it after the conversation last night.

"How much do you want to know Luciana? Because once I tell you, you have to swear Omertà."

"Omertà?" He nodded and ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, clearly he didn't want to be having this conversation with me. "Its an oath. It means you'll keep anything I tell you to yourself, you won't tell anyone. If you break die."

It's really that serious. Of course it would be, if he told me something, he would expect me to keep it to myself. You can die for much less in the mafia than telling someone something you shouldn't. The mafia are ruthless like that, they always have been and they probably always will be.

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