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Here it is, the last chapter....


~ Luciana's POV ~

"Alessio this isn't going to work."

Once again my husband decided to ignore me and continued trying to fit the two pieces together. I rolled my eyes in frustration and leaned back in the arm chair where I'd been sitting for the last two hours watching Alessio trying to make the crib.

"Just ask Tomasso to do it when he comes over later. He's good at this stuff." These words seemed to be the last thing Alessio wanted to hear from me because his head suddenly shot up and he gave me a glare. "Why didn't you marry him then?"

"Maybe because he's already married." Even though I was clearly joking, Alessio still scoffed and turned away from me, focussing on the instructions in his hand once again. He was so adamant to build the two cribs for our twins which were due any day soon, even though he was absolutely useless at DIY. I asked him what kind of millionaire builds their own furniture, and his response was simple.

'I'm a father now Luciana. This is what fathers do'

I wanted to hit him so hard when he said that. I didn't really have a reason because it was cute but at that time I was 33 weeks pregnant with our twins and he was talking too much.

"Mama!" I jumped at the sound of Alana calling my name, looking over at the door of the new nursery Alessio and I were in, to see her standing there with a frustrated expression on her face and her nose all scrunched up.

For a three year old she had just as many mood swings as her father. Which was a lot.

"Yes baby?"

Alessio glanced up again with a frown on his face when Alana started walking over to me through all the pieces of wood, in the process stepping on the instructions he was following while trying to build the crib.

"I'm hungry mama." I smiled at her, running my hand through her dark brown curly hair, which was identical to Alessio's just way more curly than his hair. Neither of us had curly hair at all really, but for some reason Alana's hair was untameable sometimes.

"Maybe you should have finished your breakfast then." I couldn't help but laugh at Alessio's sassy reply which Alana just ignored. The two of them get along so well except when it comes to eating. Alana hated anyone feeding her apart from Tomasso, he was the only person who was able to get her to eat calmly.

The annoying part is he's been around a little less lately since his wedding, so Alessio and I have been having a hard time getting Alana to eat. Which is another reason why right now Alessio just hates anyone talking about his bestfriend.

He and Tomasso are still as close as ever, which just meant they bickered even more. Especially with them both changing so much since Alessio has been spending more time with me during the last few months of my pregnancy and Tomasso has been spending time with his wife.

"Alana we're having lunch soon, once your papa finally finishes the silly crib. Just sit and play for a few minutes."

Those few minutes turned into another hour when Alessio had finally completed the crib he was as working on. I would have been overjoyed to finally have it done, if there wasn't a huge brown box on the other side of the room with the other crib inside waiting to be built.

"Food now?" I nodded my head causing Alana to grin and she stood to her feet running over to Alessio with her arms out, which was her way of telling him to carry her. "One second Alana."

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