Chapter 18 - I Need To See You

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Hey guys! Sorry my uploading schedule is all over the place, I have exams for a month starting on 20th May :(

I'll try and upload as much as I can! They finish on the 14th of June and then I promise I'll update as much as I can whenever I can ❤️

Thank you for reading and enjoy

~ Luciana's POV ~

"You're such a bitch." I rolled my eyes at Gemma who was glaring at me putting one of the blue baby grows back down.

"I don't want to find out, I want it to be a surprise." I picked up another yellow baby grow and smiled at the cute image on the front.

"Your baby is going to look like a banana." I couldn't help but laugh at her words, causing a few other women to turn around to look at me weirdly. Its not my fault they don't have a sense of humour.

"It's not all going to be yellow. Purple is cute too. And anyway, once I have the baby I'll know it's sex and I can buy things for it then."

I put the baby grow in the cart before walking away with a moody Gemma following behind me. "You can't even think of baby names yet."

My smile faltered at the mention of baby names. I've been trying not to think about names too much. It was something I always wanted to do with the father of my baby, choose the name together. But as of right now Alessio and I haven't spoken in almost 5 months so that's pretty hard. The last time I saw him was that day when I he told me he didn't want children and he didn't want me.

I still haven't told anyone apart from my mother and brother that I was pregnant, and of course my doctor and Gemma. I was worried, especially with my bump growing faster and faster each day that if a lot of people know I'm pregnant, any of Alessio's enemies could catch wind then it's lights out for me.

Not to sound too morbid or anything.

"I haven't thought about names yet." She nodded and pushed me to the side so that she could push the cart full of baby clothes and other things I would need. We decided today was the best day to go and get all the stuff just incase I struggle to find the energy later on in my pregnancy.

I was currently five and a half months pregnant and the whole of my pregnancy has been absolute hell. The morning sickness cut into my second trimester and I was just completely exhausted all the time also with the high blood pressure it's been recommend that I don't do anything to stressful or strenuous until I have the baby, just to be on the safe side.

"Come on, lets go and get some food." As soon as she mentioned the word food my stomach rumbled causing her to laugh. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my ever growing bump. "It's not my fault, I'm eating for two now."

"Luciana even two people don't eat as much as you do in one day." I gave her a sheepish smile as we got to the check out. I bit lip looking around the store waiting in line when I suddenly got the urge to pee. Pregnancy isn't always sunshine and rainbows. I tapped Gemma's shoulder catching her attention and gave her my purse.

"I need to pee, pay for it with my card if I'm not back in time." She nodded and took my purse while I went off in search of the toilets. I eventually managed to find them after asking two people and looking around the whole store. They were hidden down a dimly lit corridor, obviously whoever designed the building didn't think that people wouldn't be able to find them. After I did my business I washed my hands and fixed my hair and clothes before leaving again.

On my way out I bumped into a hard chest, stumbling back slightly. Two arms shot out to stop me from falling over causing me to look up. I opened my mouth to apologise to the person, but as soon as I saw who it was I instinctively stepped back, placing a hand on my bump.

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