Chapter 17 - That's Called Stringing Someone Along

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~ Alessio's POV ~

"Chi era? Dove è questo cazzo? Ho finito con tutte le bugie, hai una possibilità di dirmelo o sei morto." (Who was it? I'm done with all the lying, you have one chance to tell me or you're dead.)

I held the gun to his head pressing the tip into his temple while he stared back at me. He didn't say a word so I pulled back the hammer on my gun, indicating that I wasn't going to ask him again and the next thing I'd do was pull the trigger. "Alessio-"

Before Tomasso could say whatever he was going to to try and stop me, a loud bang echoed through the room when I pulled the trigger. I heard him let out a frustrated sigh behind me and a few seconds later Diego passed me a tissue to clean up the blood that had splattered across my face. "Alessio you need to stop doing that, how the hell are we supposed to get information out of anyone if you're just going to kill them?"

"Maybe they should learn to not freaking mess with me. They know who I am, I don't show mercy to anyone. If you have a problem with that Tomasso, you can go to hell." My best friend rolled his eyes at my words before storming out of the room, leaving me with Diego and the dead guy.

"Capo, what shall I have them do with the body?" I finished wiping off the blood before tossing the tissue on the floor, my eyes focussing on the dead guy tied to the chair. "Make sure people know that if I ask them a freaking question they should tell me the answer."

Diego nodded with an unsure look on his face but at least he didn't argue with me. Not that he would have the balls to do that, he was used to dealing with Tomasso who for some reason or another has a soft spot for him. I'm sure the two of them will have a lovely bitching session later, especially with how annoyed Tomasso has been recently with the way I've been dealing with things. It's about time though, I was going soft before. I shouldn't be doing that anymore. I need to put the mafia and my family first and thats what I'm going to do.

"Alessio!" I rolled my eyes when Tomasso called me as I neared the door to my office, a pissed off expression on his face. I rose an eyebrow at him waiting for him to speak but instead he gestured for me to open the door. Obviously he couldn't take the hint that I didn't really want to let him in. Once we were both inside my office Tomasso slammed the door shut behind himself turning to face me with that familiar glare on his face. Same thing different day.

"You need to snap out of this Alessio. I know it's bad, I'm your bestfriend and I'll be here for you but you need to start acting like you again."

"I don't need your freaking sympathy Tomasso and I don't need you to tell me what to do. Get the hell out of my office." He shook his head at me as I made my way around my desk to sit down, hoping he'd just leave. But the idiot was too stubborn for that - a quality I've always admired but he doesn't need to know that.

"Alessio just listen to me, I know you better than you think. You're taking out all your anger on everyone else and that's fine, I'm freaking used to it. But it's starting to effect your work, you can't let that happen. You need to keep a clear head."

"My head's fine Tomasso." He rolled his eyes at me and took a seat opposite my desk. "With enough persuasion the last three people you killed could have told us who tried to shoot her. If you had a clear head you never would have killed them."

I let out a sigh while leaning back in my chair, wishing he would just go. "Next time why don't you interrogate them then."

"Fine." Instead of saying anything else I started sifting through the papers on my desk, deciding it was better to start working than arguing with him. But of course he wasn't done. "How is she?"

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