Chapter 36 - He's Coming After Us Next

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"Is Alana asleep?" My words came out a little slurred as I leaned my head on Alessio's shoulder, still sitting on the kitchen floor like before.

"Yes she is, she is in the nursery near my parents room. It didn't take long to get her to sleep." I rolled my eyes at his words, a chuckle escaping my lips. "That's because she's a daddy's girl. She always has been and she always will be."

"Don't be silly Luciana." Alessio shifted causing me to lift my head off his shoulder and once I did he stood to his feet, leaving me on the floor alone. I frowned at his sudden cold behaviour, taking more offence to it than necessary since I was becoming drunker by the second.

It's not a good idea to drink so much wine in one go.

"What happened?" I watched him disappear out of my view for a moment before he came back with a broom to sweep up all the broken glass from the smashed wine bottle.

"Nothing happened Luciana." I narrowed my eyes at him when he used a more patronising tone than usual. "Don't talk to me like that."

"You're drunk Luciana."

"So? You knew that already, why are you annoyed all of a sudden?" I started standing up causing Alessio to look away from the glass he was sweeping and at me, rolling his eyes when I stumbled a little thanks to my intoxicated state.

"Alana isn't a daddy's girl." I scoffed a little at his words but it came out more like a cough.
"You're saying it like it's a bad thing, you don't need to get angry."

"It's not a bad thing, it's just not true and I'm not angry. You're just a little difficult to be around when you're drunk." I rolled my eyes at his words, leaning against the counter to support myself in an attempt to not fall over.

"You're difficult to be around when you're sober." I'm sure I saw Alessio smile at my words before he turned away and finished sweeping up the glass. "You know Alessio, I don't recall ever meeting drunk you."

"You say that like I have a different personality when I'm drunk."

"Doesn't everyone? I do." Alessio chuckled at my words while glancing over at me.

"I know you do, but that's because you can't handle your drink. I can handle mine perfectly fine." Once again I rolled my eyes, this time regretting it when I felt a headache start to come on.

"I want to go upstairs now."

"Okay?" I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes this time, something I clearly do a lot of when I'm drunk, and stepped closer to Alessio. "So take me upstairs."

Alessio let out a tired sigh before discarding the last of the broken glass in the bin and leaning the broom against the wall before coming over to me. "Come on then."

He lifted me up bridal style like he's done so many times and started walking upstairs while I admired his eyes up close. He must have thought I was so weird the way I was squinting my own eyes and staring into his, right in front of his face. "You have nice eyes Alessio."

His lips twitched as he glanced in my direction before looking straight ahead again while I just continued to stare at the details on his face. "Thanks baby."

"Do you pluck your eyebrows?" This time he did look at me like I was weird, before shaking his head. "No Luciana, I don't."

I nodded my head before reaching out and running my hand over one of his eyebrows in admiration. "They're nice, what's that saying people used to say? Your eyebrows are on tweak."

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