Chapter 6 - Leave Me Alone

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~ Luciana's POV ~

Alessio's eyes were full of sincerity, I knew he wasn't lying to me and for the moment the only thing I needed was for someone to be there for me. To comfort me after what I'd been through.

"No....I haven't eaten." My words came out quiet but both of them still heard what I said. Tomasso soon came into my view when he stopped next to Alessio holding his suit jacket. I swear that's all they ever wear, I can't imagine them wearing anything else. But I'm pretty sure if they ever wore casual clothes they'd look just as good.

"I'll go and get you something. Do you want anything in particular?" I could tell it was taking a lot for Tomasso to be nice to me, I've always known he doesn't like me. But I guess even he felt bad for me when I came in looking like hell.
"McDonald's?" A small smile tugged at his lips at my suggestion and he nodded before looking at Alessio.

"I'll get you something nice don't you worry Alessio." Tomasso patted Alessio's shoulder then turned to me while putting on his jacket a smile still on his face. "Alessio hates McDonald's." He seemed weirdly happy with my choice, probably because Alessio didn't like it. You could really tell they had a brotherly relationship, even though Alessio was the capo, as they like to call him, it didn't matter. They were still like brothers.

I waited for the front door to close before I spoke again to Alessio.
"I'm gonna take a shower." Alessio frowned once again at my hoarse voice but didn't say anything about it. Instead he just nodded and moved aside so that I could go into my room.

I left Alessio in my living room while I took a hot shower to soothe the ache in my muscles. I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body before going to the mirror and wiping away the steam. My eyes looked even worse than the day before, but that was to be expected I suppose.

I brushed my teeth before going into my room and changing into some clean sweats and a hoodie. I took my dirty clothes to the kitchen to add to the laundry pile while passing Alessio on the way who was now furiously typing away on his phone. A few seconds later he was standing in the doorway to my kitchen watching me take the painkillers I had been craving ever since yesterday morning.

"Are you okay?" I could tell he didn't know what to say, he knew it was all his fault. But at least he stayed, he didn't have to. That still doesn't mean I was going to be nice to him though, I was still angry and for some reason his question really ticked me off.

"Do I look okay to you Alessio? Have you forgotten what happened between us the other day? And of course you know exactly where I've been for the last 24 hours!"

The look on his face just confirmed to me that he did know. He already knew everything and I wasn't surprised. I didn't expect anything different.

"Luciana..." I shook my head at him and attempted to get past him but he didn't let me. Instead he just grabbed my hand again and pulled me closer to him like he did earlier.

"I know you're angry, and I don't expect you to forgive me for what happened the other day. But please just for now, put that aside. Let me look after you. Let me be here for you." His words just caused tears to spring to my eyes again while I shook my head. "No Alessio, because you'll leave. Everyone always leaves me."

"I'm not going anywhere amore mio. I told you that already." He placed a small kiss on my forehead before pulling me into his arms. I inhaled his strong scent which instantly helped me to calm down while wrapping my arms around him.

I tried to pull away from him when I heard the front door open but Alessio just tightened his grip on me. Seconds later Tomasso appeared in the doorway of the kitchen holding a McDonald's bag. I narrowed my eyes at him from where I was standing in Alessio's arms while he just stared at the two of us, a knowing smirk on his face. "How did you get in Tomasso?"

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