Chapter 20 - Why?

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I love this chapter, I hope you guys do too ❤️

~ Luciana's POV ~

"That's disgusting." I turned my attention away from the magazine I was reading, sitting on a stool at the island, to look at Alessio who had just walked into the kitchen. But that's now what caused me to almost have a heart attack. It was the fact he was dripping with sweat and completely shirtless.

If we were on good terms I would have begged him to take me there and then.

"I'm pregnant Alessio, I can eat whatever I want." He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and scrunched his nose up at the left over pizza from last night, stopping at the island opposite me. "Maybe you wouldn't feel so sick all the time if you didn't eat that crap at 9am and instead ate a proper breakfast."

I rolled my eyes at his words and instead picked up another slice, taking a bite out of to make my point to him. I knew he didn't care about me, all he cared about was our baby. That's it. So he really didn't have the right to say anything to me about what I'm eating. "Stop acting like you care Alessio."

"It's not an act. You're the mother of my child Luciana, of course I care." I rose an eyebrow at him while swallowing another bite of my pizza. "Sorry but the day I told you about the baby you didn't even believe it was yours. If I recall correctly you called me a 'money grabbing puttana'. So no, you don't care about me."

If he thought I was going to forget about what he said and act like it didn't happen he was wrong. It might have been two weeks since we went to the doctors together, and the last time we spoke, but it didn't matter. Even if a year had gone by since that particular night, I wouldn't forget what he said.

"You're not over that yet? People say things in the heat of the moment Luciana, I told you afterwards that I believed you, I was just angry. You need to learn to get over things faster." I scoffed at what he said while he screwed the cap onto his water bottle and put it down infront of him, not making a move to leave the kitchen yet. I let out a small sigh and looked down at the magazine again, hoping he would take the hint to just leave me alone. "I'm not in the mood to do this right now Alessio."

"I don't care and look at me when I'm talking to you. Don't forget who I am Luciana." I lifted my eyes away from the article all about the best houses in California, focussing them on Alessio who was now glaring at me, this tone cold and threatening. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. You are the man that dragged me into your life, waited until I started falling for you then kicked me out like I meant absolutely nothing to you."

"That's not how it happened, don't blow it out of proportion. We weren't together, I decided I wasn't ready for a relationship so I ended it. It's not my fault if you let yourself get lost in it." It took everything inside me to keep my temper under control as the conversation went on.

"Don't do that Alessio. You led me on! Don't say you just randomly woke up one day and decided you didn't want to be in a relationship, it doesn't work like that. Unless something happened..." I narrowed my eyes at him, and the emotions that flashed through his eyes told me he knew exactly what I was suggesting.

"Nothing happened, I told you, as soon as I started seeing you I didn't do anything with her, or anyone else." There was no way I was ever going to believe he wasn't with Alice during the time we were together. Especially with the way he ended it, it was clear he didn't care about me, so there was no need for him to stay 'faithful'. "So why then?"

"Why what?" I rolled my eyes at his confused expression. "Why did you suddenly decide you weren't ready for a relationship?"

"I've already freaking told you-" Alessio glared at me when I cut him off, he always hated that. "Tell me the truth. You led me on, you had feelings for me too Alessio. What changed?"

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