Chapter 7 - It Was Bigger Than A Toothbrush

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Double update because I'm just in that kind of mood today 😊 Enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

~ Alessio's POV ~

I rolled my eyes at my father who was sitting across from me, rambling on about the 'girl' I was supposedly after to the rest of my family. The conversation only started because of Tomasso. I don't understand why my parents always invite him to dinner, I told my mom not to, yet here he is.

I swear he's closer to my parents than I am.

"Then he made me sleep on her couch all night until she came home from the police station." His words caused both my sisters next to me to burst out laughing while my parents just smiled.

"I didn't force you to do anything Tomasso."

"He even ate McDonald's for her." My mom's eyes widened and she put her fork down before looking at me. "Really Alessio?"

"Mom I don't see the big deal, she wanted it. It's just food."

"Yes, the same food you've refused to ever eat before." She shook her head, clearly amused by everything Tomasso was telling her. "Who knows what they put in it? Anyway, why are we still talking about this? She's not that important."

"Alessio when you ask her to marry you, I'll be your best man okay?" I glared at Tomasso who sent me a subtle smirk just as both my younger sisters started talking excitedly about the possibility of a wedding.

I'm going to kill him I swear.

I sent him a deadly stare while shaking my head when my father started going on about the same thing he always says.

"Alessio you're 26 now, you're not getting any younger. It's about time you found a wife and settled down. She sounds perfect for you." I let out a sigh while leaning back in my seat, a permanent glare etched upon my face. "I don't want to get married yet."

"You're scared." I rolled my eyes at my younger sister Mona who was smirking at me across the table. "No I'm not scared you little brat."

"Alessio." I glared at my mom who was still trying to hold back her laughter when my phone rang. I took my phone out while they all continued to ramble on, except my father and Tomasso who were watching me carefully, waiting to see if there was anything wrong.

"Hello?" I winced at the loud sound of music coming from the other side of the line when a woman spoke. "Alessio? It's Daliah, I need your help."

I frowned when she said her name, trying to remember who the hell she was. I was never really that good with names. Tomasso rose an eyebrow at me as if asking who it was and I mumbled her name. Instantly his eyes lit up with amusement causing me to frown even more. "Luciana's friend."

Of course this just added fuel to the fire and my sisters began giggling to themselves. They were both adults by the way, truly annoying adults, yet they acted like children.

"What do you want?" My tone came out a lot sterner when I realised who she was. She was no good for Luciana, yet I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth about her so called bestfriend. It would just make everything worse for her.

"We're at a club and Luciana is drunk, like seriously drunk. I can't get through to her, you're probably the only one that can." I let out a sigh and ran a hand over my face before mumbling an okay.

"Text me the address I'll be there soon." I hung up the phone and stood to my feet catching everyone's attention. "I need to go. Sorry mom, I'll make it up to you I promise."

My mom just nodded with a small smile and stood up to give me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her tightly before letting her go and placing a kiss on her forehead.

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