Chapter 8 - Did You Just Call Me Cute?

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~ Luciana's POV~

My eyes fluttered open as the pain in my head grew more and more intense. I squeezed my eyes closed as a groan escaped my mouth and I rolled over, attempting to find a position which wouldn't hurt my head so much. Of course nothing helped.

It took a few minutes for the initial pain to subside before I could open my eyes properly. As soon as I did I looked around the unfamiliar room, admiring the amazing bedroom I was in.

"Like it?" I jumped at the deep voice next to me and quickly turned my head to see who it was. "Alessio? Oh no. Did we..." I let the words trail off as dread washed over me. It was only supposed to happen once, he wasn't the sort of person I needed to keep going back to. He was dangerous, and I wanted to avoid that at all costs.

"Is there a problem amore mio?" The smugness in his tone caused anger to spark inside me. He was so full of himself.

"Screw you Alessio." I shook my head and went to get out of the bed but he was on top of me in an instant, his forearms either side of my head effectively trapping me in. "You keep saying that to me Luciana. Yet, you obviously have a problem with the thought of getting all up close and personal with me. Why is that?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to come up with a plausible reason why I was so against the idea of us sleeping together, but in that moment, I couldn't form a coherent sentence because all I was thinking about was his lower half positioned over mine. My silence caused his smirk to widen, which just infuriated me even more.

"W-well you're you! You're arrogant and annoying and so full of yourself." My words only caused him to watch me in amusement before he eventually pushed himself off me, laying flat on the bed next to me. "We didn't do anything. You were drunk so I brought you here to sober up. That's all."

"Why would you do that?" He turned to look at me with an eyebrow raised in response to my wary tone. "Because you were absolutely wasted Luciana. I wasn't going to leave you in a club alone."

"I wasn't alone. I was with my bestfriend." As soon as I finished my sentence Alessio scoffed and shook his head causing me to frown. However I didn't get to ask him why he did that because he sat up and turned to face me again, this time with a slightly angry expression.

"What the hell were you playing at? Do you know how much you must have freaking drank to get the way you were?" Maybe he was a little angrier than I had originally thought. "Luciana if I hadn't come something bad could have happened to you! There was no way you could have protected yourself!"

I flinched at the volume of his voice but he didn't even seem to care, he was getting angrier and angrier by the second as he carried on shouting at me. "Are you freaking stupid or something? Did you not learn from the first time when you were kidnapped? It doesn't matter if they're part of a mafia or one of your father's enemies, anyone could easily take advantage of you when you're in that state!"

I don't understand how he managed to go from being so teasing when I woke up to full on furious in the space of minutes. But I didn't like it one bit.

"Why do you care so much? You made it clear how you felt about me the other day, remember?! You said you weren't pathetic enough to catch feelings and that I meant nothing to you. So why bother? I'm not yours Alessio, I'm nothing to do with you. I asked you to leave me the hell alone and I meant it."

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