Chapter 28 - Baby Wake Up

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry the updates are so slow. As soon as my exams finished I went on vacation ✈️ and now I've started a summer job so I'm just all over the place right now.

Hopefully they'll be coming more regularly soon! Once again I'm so sorry and thank you so much for all your support so far ❤️

~ Alessio's POV ~

Almost three weeks later my baby girl was finally coming upstairs to Luciana's room. She's much better than she was before, she'd still be under observation but it wasn't necessary to keep her in the NICU anymore. She's steadily growing in weight and becoming more alert. I'm sure it was the milk that they were pumping from Luciana every two to three hours that was keeping her growing so well, it definitely was the best option for her after how the birth happened.

The next couple of days went by much faster, now that I was next to both of them I could spend every minute with them both, talking to them at the same time. I didn't feel as guilty as I did when I was having to share my time out between them.

Carlos has come as much as he could which I respect, but his mom never showed up. He did tell her, but she just never came to see her own daughter. The weirdest thing is that now that I know what it feels like to be a parent, I could never imagine not coming to the hospital. Just like I'm doing now, spending every minute I can with my baby girl, I would do that in the future too.

Being a father is the most extraordinary feeling in the world. The love you have for your child is unlike anything you've ever felt before. The thought of something ever making your baby upset kills you, you'll do anything to be there and help her and make sure nothing is world has the power to put a frown on her face. I can't imagine what it's going to be like when she's older and becomes more independent. It'll be like taking your heart out of your chest and watching it run around in front of you. All you'll want to do is watch it, follow it and protect it with your life. Nothing else matters anymore, just her.

So Luciana's mom never came. I told a few of Luciana's close friends what happened but so far only immediate family have come to see the baby, only because I didn't want too many people to meet her before Luciana. The only people that have seen her are my parents and sisters and Luciana's brother and of course Tomasso.

Next will be Luciana, I was absolutely sure especially when I felt her hand twitch in my hand during the night a few nights ago, but nothing else happened. All I could do was hope that soon, she would wake up. It felt like I was imagining things eventually, because she never did move her hand again. Nothing else happened, I probably did just imagine it. I was exhausted every single day, I hadn't had a full nights sleep in a bed for over a month now.

My princess was now three and a half weeks old, and Luciana was still in a coma. The worry inside me was increasing day by day because the longer she was in a coma, medically, it meant there was less chance of her waking up. I know it was still too early to say that but it felt like a life time ago when she was around. I couldn't help but think of the worst.

"Alessio?" I lifted my head up to see Julia, one of the older nurses giving me a soft apologetic smile. My eyes shifted over to the window where the sun was just starting rise for yet another day. "Is it time already?"

She nodded her head as she went around to the other side of Luciana's bed. "Your daughter likes to eat a lot." Her words caused a small smile to tug at my lips as I slowly stood to my feet, the ache in my limbs disappearing after yet another night sleeping on the chair.

"I maybe be a bit longer than usual, I'll also need to take her dressings off today." I nodded at her words as I grabbed my phone and my hoodie while letting out a tired yawn. "I'll just go get some coffee then."

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