Chapter 4 - You Don't Mean Anything To Me

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"I love you." I forced a smile onto my face when Jake said the three words that haven't had the same effect on me recently.

It had been a few days since I called Alessio and ever since then I haven't been able to look Jake in the eye. I shouldn't have reacted like that, I was in a relationship now, Jake should have been the only one for me. But I couldn't help it and the guilt was eating me alive.

I knew I had strong feelings for Jake, the way he makes my heart race and gives me butterflies, there's no doubt about it. But I didn't think I had feelings for Alessio too. I shouldn't have, it was only one night, but maybe I do, maybe I don't, I don't know, all I know is that it freaking hurt when he didn't remember who I was.

More than I ever thought it would.

"I love you too." The words felt foreign to me as I forced them out, not wanting to see him hurt. Our relationship was perfect, I had no reason to not say it back, I thought I loved him before I called Alessio, I can't suddenly not love him anymore.

"Baby?" The sound of knocking on the front door brought me out of my thoughts and I slowly sat up from my place next to Jake on the couch. "Sorry, I was just thinking." I sent him a small smile and kissed his cheek before going to answer the door.

I went down the hall to the front door to my apartment, tiredly running a hand through my messy hair. "Bring me back some water Lucy!"

I rolled my eyes at his laziness and shouted okay back to him as I opened the front door. My breath caught in my throat when our eyes locked, and a smirk tugged at his soft lips. Those lips. His hair was tousled like it was last time I saw him, and a 5 o'clock shadow was beginning to show along his sharp jaw line.

My eyes roamed over his expensive dark blue Italian suit hugging his muscles perfectly. The way he was dressed made me look like absolute shit in my black leggings and cropped Adidas hoodie.

And I had no make up on, just to make it ten times worse.


"Can we come in?" I frowned at the word we and practically had to drag my eyes away from Alessio, finally noticing Tomasso standing next to him, also dressed in a fancy suit. I slowly nodded and moved aside to let the two of them inside, still surprised to see them at my door.

"What are you doing here?" I closed the door and leaned against it while the two of them stood across from me in the narrow hall. My apartment wasn't the fanciest or the most expensive but it was still nice and homey. I worked hard at NYU to make sure I could get a good job and afford an apartment of my own - my only goal ever since we moved to New York when I was ten years old. It was perfect for me and I loved it.

Tomasso was busy looking around the place, while Alessio kept his slightly narrowed eyes focused on me. What I would give to find out what was going through his head right now.

"You called me, Luciana." I slowly nodded my head, pursing my lips together while I thought of what to say to him. Over the last few days I've thought of so much I could say to him if I ever saw him again, but the look he was giving me just made it ten times harder to remember any of it.

"I told you, it doesn't matter anymore, and it was days ago Alessio. You're a bit late aren't you?" I think he was surprised by the clear anger in my voice but he didn't react to it and instead just shook his head, clearly unamused by the situation. Meanwhile, Tomasso on the other hand was having a hard time controlling his laughter in response to my words.

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