Chapter 23 - You're Perfect For Him

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~ Luciana's POV ~

A frown found its way onto my face when I tried to move but a pair of strong arms, wrapped my around my waist, kept me in place. I tried to move again, feeling the pressure in my bladder increasing as I became more and more awake and aware of my senses.

Once again I tried to move and this time the arms just tightened around me. "Stop it, I'm trying to sleep."

"Let go Alessio." Once again he ignored me until I'd finally had enough and decided to elbow him. It wasn't that hard, actually it wasn't hard enough in my opinion.

Alessio groaned behind me, his arms leaving their position as he rolled over onto his back, still groaning quietly to himself, his voice coming out strained and thick with sleep when he spoke. "What the hell Luciana?"

Maybe it was a bit too hard.

"I told you to let go of me." I couldn't help the pang of guilt I felt when I saw the pain on his face as his hands rubbed over the spot where I hit him. I had to keep reminding myself about what he said yesterday to Gemma in my office to stop myself from running over to him to check if he was okay when I walked to the bathroom after getting out of bed.

Maybe he probably didn't deserve it, and if I wasn't pregnant I would be also probably dead for hitting him.

When I finally made it back to the bedroom Alessio seemed to be asleep again, with his arm thrown over his face shielding his eyes from the light while his other hand was still on his abdomen. Now that I'd finally peed, I could take the time to admire his shirtless chest and defined abs, the tattoos that decorated his skin standing out against his tanned skin.

Alessio didn't move when I got on the bed next to him, staying completely still for the few minutes I was on my phone next to him.

"What time is it?" His groggy voice caught my attention as he sat up, running a hand over his face tiredly. "8:30am"

Alessio let out a groan next to me. "What is wrong with you? It's so freaking early."

"Hey, firstly I didn't ask you to sleep here, you wanted to. Secondly, don't blame me, blame your child. If it wasn't constantly kicking my bladder I wouldn't have woken up." I tossed my phone down while tiredly rubbing my bump. Of course I loved my baby, but I also loved my sleep. It's hardly fair that it gets to take my sleep away from me for nine months and then for the next few years. "You could have just told me why you needed to get up and I would have let go."

I rolled my eyes at the irritation in his voice before turning towards him, running my hand over the area of his ribs where I hit him. "I'm sorry about that...does it still hurt?"

Alessio's eyes snapped to mine and he sent me that same smug smirk which had me swooning all those months ago. "You just wanted to touch my abs, but it's okay it doesn't hurt anymore and I forgive you."

I rolled my eyes at his words and pulled my hand back causing him to chuckle. It fell silent for a few moments while Alessio used the time to wake up properly, before he turned his face towards me to speak. "There's not long left now."

A small smile graced my lips and I nodded. "I can't wait."

"Are you nervous?" I rolled my eyes at the smirk on Alessio's face, knowing I hated that damn question. But he was the only person I would ever be completely honest with. "I'm terrified."

"Don't worry Luciana, you'll be an amazing mother, I have no doubts about that." I gave him a small appreciative smile at this even though that wasn't what was scaring me. "But the birth..."

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