Chapter 26 - My Princess

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Get the tissues ready 🙈 Thank you so much for all the comments on the last chapter they're crazy! I hope you enjoy this chapter too!

~ Alessio's POV ~

Hours and hours passed while we were back in the same waiting room as before, this time with my parents since Tomasso insisted we should call them now. They still hadn't told us what was wrong with her, but they did tell me our daughter was now in an incubator in the neonatal unit and that we could go and meet her if we wanted to.

But I didn't. Not yet.

We needed to do it together, and when Luciana is okay soon we will. That's how it was supposed to be.

"Alessio do you want some coffee?" I shook my head at my mom who was rubbing my shoulder comfortingly, while I kept my head down staring at the same spot on the floor by my feet which I'd been doing for the last couple of hours. It must have been way into the middle of the night by now since we came in around 4pm after that stupid argument. But I couldn't feel the exhaustion that I knew was no doubt currently taking over my body, I was just numb. My only thoughts were with Luciana and our daughter who was alone, without her mother. I couldn't get the image of Luciana trying to call for me out of my head when I was being pulled away from her. I knew it was going to haunt me in my sleep for as long as this nightmare I was living went on for.

It took another hour before the same doctor finally came to see us, this time with a more apprehensive look on her face. When she stopped in front of us I lifted my head to look at her, keeping my glare firmly set in place as she spoke. This was all her damn fault in the first place, she should have known something was wrong with Luciana instead of trying to send her home and accusing her of faking it.

"Can you please come with me." She waited for the four of us to stand to our feet, but I was the only one who didn't. They all turned to look at me while I just continued to stare straight ahead unresponsive to them. I knew exactly what was coming, why else wouldn't she just tell us here in the waiting room like she did last time? It means Luciana isn't okay. Something happened and she was alone the whole time, I wasn't with her. She had to go through everything without my hand in hers squeezing it in mine for comfort. She didn't have anyone to comfort her.

Tomasso stepped closer and crouched down next to me so that he was eye level with me, stopping directly infront of me to make sure I was focussed on him and just him.

"Sono qui per te, Alessio, non importa cosa succederà, lo faremo insieme, per la tua bambina. Devi essere forte per lei. Per loro." (I'm here for you Alessio, no matter what happens we'll get through it together, for your baby girl. You have to be strong for her. For them.)

I held his stare for a moment and all I could see was genuine care in my bestfriend's eyes. He may have had a rocky relationship with Luciana but that was only because of her father, he never disliked her when he got to know her. They just never saw eye to eye about anything, it reminded me of the relationship I had with my sister. There was that care but it was hidden behind all the bickering and bitching. But even if he didn't care as much about Luciana, he cared about my daughter - he was the closest thing I had to a brother, of course he cared.

I let out a slow breath before I slowly stood to my feet causing him to do the same before we followed the doctor and my parents down the hallway out of the ER. We walked for a while before we ended up at the elevators. I didn't dare ask her what was going on as we made our way up to the fifth floor of the hospital. Once the doors opened I followed her down the hallway, passing the numerous hospital rooms before we stopped outside room 523.

She turned to look at the four of us, her eyes scanning over my parents exhausted faces and Tomasso's worried one before she stopped on me. I kept my expression blank while I held breath waiting for her to tell me whatever it was, extremely grateful for Tomasso who currently had his hand on my shoulder effectively supporting most of my weight.

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