Chapter 27 - I Can't Do This Alone

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Hi guys! Thanks for all the support on the last chapters ❤️

I'm still struggling so bad to get back into writing but I'm trying my best! Enjoy this update x

~ Alessio's POV ~

I let out a tired sigh as I dropped down on the chair next to Luciana's bed, my hand instantly reaching out to take hers. My eyes went to the window and I let out a small breath as I watched the final moments of the sunset. One day down and however many more to go.

I was exhausted.

This was definitely the longest I've ever gone without sleeping. The day before I woke up around 9am and we came into the hospital around 4pm. My angel was born at 7:12pm and I stayed with her for most of the night until the sun began to rise. This morning I had a cup of coffee and some food before I introduced my parents and Tomasso to my daughter. We spent some time in her room before they eventually went home to sleep after spending the whole night at the hospital and I came up to sit with Luciana. I spent the next few hours going between the two of them, my sisters both came to see the baby later in the evening with my mom before they went home and now I'm finally feeling the exhaustion hit me since it was now 7pm.

My eyes finally began to close as I rested my forehead on the edge of the bed, but the sound of the door opening behind me caused me to let out a small groan. I heard a deep chuckle behind me and I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was.

"Sorry bro, I just bought you some things since I knew there was no chance you were going home any time soon. This bag has all your stuff in, I bought some stuff for Luciana too, like her phone and some clothes for when she wakes up. I also bought some things for the bambina, but your mom had to help with that."

I lifted my head just as Tomasso dropped the bags on the other side of the room and I gave him a small nod. "Thank you."

I knew I didn't have to go over board with Tomasso, he knew what he was doing meant a lot to me, but he also knew I would do exactly the same thing for him. We were brothers.

He nodded before taking a seat on the chair at the other side of her bed - I had to ask for more chairs earlier for my parents but I guess they're leaving them here. It makes sense since we didn't know how long we'd be here. I kept my eyes on my hand intertwined with Luciana's as a comfortable silence settled around us, both of us deep in thought.

"Have you told her family yet?"


I let out a sigh and shook my head while leaning back in my chair. "I haven't. I completely forgot."

"It's okay, you're exhausted Alessio. Just call them now, tell them what happened and they can come in the morning. It's just her mom and brother isn't it?" I nodded tiredly as another ounce of guilt was added to what I was already feeling. Her family deserved to know straight away, I was just so worried about her that I completely forgot. She hardly ever mentions her family since her brother lives in a different state and her relationship with her mom isn't the best. But they still deserved to know.

"Call them now then get some rest. I'll deal with everything in terms of the mafia, you just focus on your family. La famiglia viene sempre per prima." (Family always comes first.)

Tomasso stood to his feet and leaned over placing a kiss to Luciana's forehead.

"Can you pass me her phone before you leave?" I gestured over to the bags he brought in and he opened one taking out her phone before passing it to me. "I'll come and see you tomorrow."

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