Chapter 33 - We Don't Throw Things

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~ Luciana's POV ~

8 months later

"Daliah!" All I wanted to hear was the sound of my best friend running down the hallway into the kitchen to help me take care of the huge mess I'd suddenly found myself in, but of course as usual she had the hearing of an 80 year old man, or maybe she just couldn't hear me over the sound of Alana screaming her head off.

I really didn't have much sympathy for my ten month old baby, the whole situation was in fact her fault.

Let me just explain.

I took her out to do some grocery shopping since my bestfriend and my daughter like to finish every piece of food in the house without thinking to replace anything. Okay well that part is more aimed at the 25 year old in the situation rather than the ten month old but still, ever since Alana started eating solid food, Daliah just fed her whatever she could find when I wasn't around. She herself could also eat for three in between meals and never get full.

Anyway, so we went food shopping and the second we got to the cereal isle all hell broke loose. Alana's favourite thing to eat is cereal since she can pick it up and eat it herself now, that was also mostly Daliah's doing. Since she hated having to feed Alana she mostly fed her dry cereal until the baby girl fell in love with it. Now that's all she ever wants. I tend to save it for her as a treat maybe as dessert, but Daliah just gives it to her whenever she's left to cope on her own with Alana.

Anyway that's how Alana can now associate the brightly coloured cereal boxes with her favourite food. So the second we went down that isle she first started pointing and making that cute face she does when she's hungry. Then within seconds she was throwing a tantrum. So I had to quickly finish the shopping while trying my best to keep her calm. After that I had the huge mission of paying for the food, driving home and bringing all the grocery inside while Alana was still crying.

So back to the mess I've now found myself in. I let her choose the cereal she wanted, which was just me showing her the different boxes until she stopped crying when her eyes landed on the fruit loops. So then I poured some out for her also giving her the little sippy cup she can drink from herself, mistakenly leaving the cereal box next to an open bottle of orange juice, also thanks to my dear bestfriend. Anyway Alana managed to knock the brand new, full cereal box over not only spilling all fruit loops but also the orange juice.

There's only one other person I can blame for this mess. Alessio.

From what I've heard and observed in Alana's behaviour over the past few weeks he's been teaching her how to throw things. Which is the reason she threw her cup at the box of cereal and caused this whole mess.

Like I said it was her own fault.

Now I have a screaming baby who wants more cereal which is all over the floor, a puddle of orange juice and a head ache.

Even though I haven't physically seen him for 8 months he's still finding ways to ruin my life.

"Yes Luci?" I rolled my eyes at Daliah's sweet tone, which she was only using when she saw the spilt orange juice all over the floor.

"Clean this mess up then go to the store and get her some more damn fruit loops before she screams the house down." I was now holding Alana in my arms walking around the kitchen trying to calm her down when Daliah opened her mouth to retaliate.

"Argue with me and you can take her with you." The second the words came out of my mouth she clamped her mouth shut and instead started cleaning up the mess all over the floor while Alana just watched, her cries suddenly finished. For the moment.

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