Chapter 37 - She Said Yes

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"Where are we going?"

Alessio shook his head keeping his eyes on his phone as he scrolled through it, sitting on my bed while I finished off my make up. I tried to keep it light but Alessio told me to look nice and 'memorable' and since he was dressed in a button up shirt and pants (not like that was unusual for him) I decided to put a bit more effort in too.

Leaving my hair in loose waves and my make up light yet sophisticated I was finally done with my outfit which consisted of a fitted navy dress which ended just above my knees and nude heels.

"Okay let me just go and say bye to Alana and then we-"

"Alana's not here." I frowned at Alessio's words as he stood to his feet, his eyes still on his phone.

"Where is she?" He smirked at the irritated tone in my voice before pocketing his phone, finally looking at me for the first time. His eyes met mine and he slowly scanned over my body, taking in every detail of my outfit.

" look beautiful." I gave him a small smile trying to prevent the blush rising on my cheeks. Even after knowing him for two years I still blush whenever he gives me a compliment.

I'm pathetic I know.

"So where is Alana?" Alessio rose an eyebrow at me before taking a few steps closer to me, taking my hand and pulling me closer to him. "She's gone out."

"And where has my eleven month old daughter gone?" Amusement lit up his eyes as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh, you know, here and there."

I rolled my eyes at his vague response before I leaned up to press my lips to his. The kiss which I intended to only last a second ended up lasting around a minute before Alessio finally pulled away and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry, Alana is okay. Let's go."

After I grabbed my clutch, we finally made our way out, saying a quick goodbye to Alessio's parents as we did. We got in Alessio's Lamborghini and after a few more minutes of him messaging on his phone he started driving to wherever we were going.

"So does this surprise have anything to do with where you've been all day? Apart from our lunch I've hardly seen you."

Instead of responding to what I asked, Alessio just reached his hand out and turned up the volume of the radio causing me to frown. I could see the smirk on his face as he drove through the dark streets of the outskirts of New York while he still remained as silent as ever. We were only driving for around ten minutes before Alessio turned to look at me.

"Close your eyes, we're almost here." I let out a sigh, while closing my eyes feeling the irritation start to rise at the secrecy of this whole thing. Alessio knew how much I hated secrets. We drove for a little while longer before Alessio finally stopped the car and got out, coming around to open my door while I sat there with my eyes closed.

He helped me get out the car and I felt him turn me towards a certain direction before he covered my eyes with his hands after coming to stand behind me.


"Yes just hurry up." He chuckled at my impatient response before he finally removed his hands from my eyes allowing me to see where we were for the first time.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding us since it was already pretty late at night and soon focussed on the house standing in front of me.

"You bought another house? Alessio I wanted to talk to you about this before you did anything-"

"Relax Luciana I didn't buy it, I'm just renting it...for the foreseeable future." I turned around to face him, his arms wrapping around my waist as he held me in his arms. "I know you're not happy staying with my parents so you can stay here for now. It's for you and Alana, but if you want, I can also-"

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