Chapter 15 - She Should Know How It Is

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1 month later

~ Luciana's POV ~

"Hurry up."

"You're so slow."



Tomasso let out a groan and throw his pen down on the desk turning to face me. "Do you come with a freaking off button? Shut the hell up."

I narrowed my eyes at him and lifted my head up slightly to look at him properly. "Didn't your parents ever teach you any manners?"

Alessio shook his head from where he was sitting at his desk, trying to go over some figures with Tomasso before he took me home. I was currently lying on his couch staring at the ceiling wishing I could make time go faster... or get rid of Tomasso. Either is fine with me.

"Luciana just give me two minutes." I rolled my eyes at put my head back down on the cushion supporting my head. "Hurry up I'm hungry."

No doubt Alessio rolled his eyes at the way I spoke to him but I didn't respond this time. Over the last few weeks Alessio and I had been arguing more and more, whenever we saw each other. It was just those petty frustrating arguments and honestly if the sex wasn't so good I'm sure we would have broken things off way earlier.

It wasn't just the sex though, when he wanted to Alessio could be the sweetest person ever. When we weren't arguing or in bed, which was rare but it happened, we did get a long. I can't lie and say I wasn't developing feelings for him because I was. But our relationship itself hadn't changed, we still didn't have a label.

Alessio definitely stuck to his promise, he didn't involve the mafia in our 'relationship' at all. He kept it all away from me, he didn't talk about it and I didn't ask about it. He hid all the guns from me which I knew he was definitely carrying and I never saw any of his men anywhere. But of course I knew they were there.

The only time the presence of the mafia is ever present is when we come here, where he works from. But he's still very careful about everything, he doesn't let anyone speak to me apart from Tomasso and his father. Obviously they're both careful too, so there's no problem.

"Come on." I opened my eyes to see Alessio and Tomasso both standing up waiting for me to get up. I let out a sigh and stood up, grabbing my purse off the floor next to the couch. Alessio took my hand and pulled me past Tomasso who was glaring at me as usual. I sent him a sarcastic smile causing his glare to intensify even more if that was even possible.

Tomasso followed behind us through the complex while I muttered to Alessio about how slow he is.

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." He sent me a small smirk causing a blush to rise on my cheeks. We may have done it numerous times but it didn't mean the blushes ever stopped.

"That's gross." Tomasso shook his head and pushed past Alessio causing him to chuckle to himself.

"Jealous?" Tomasso stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, pointing a finger in my direction. "Shut up."

"Come on." Alessio rolled his eyes at the two of us and pulled me towards the front door. He was about to open the door when someone's voice cut through the momentary silence catching all our attentions. I turned around to see Daliah and Alice standing next to her. Of course Alice was glaring at me, like she personally hated me. Probably because of her relationship with Alessio which I definitely haven't forgotten about, and when our arguments get heated I don't let Alessio forget it either.

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