Chapter 10 - Does It Come With A Matching Thong?

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~ Luciana's POV ~

I let out a groan when the banging on the door continued. I rolled over in my bed and cracked one eye open to check the time on my phone.

8:07 am

So he was serious then.

I managed to drag myself out of bed, grabbing a mint on the way to the front door. Priorities ladies, priorities. Alessio was still banging on the door, no doubt disturbing my neighbours who are probably going to be giving me odd looks for the next few days now. I opened the door with a glare plastered on my face ready to give Alessio hell when as soon as I opened the door he pushed it open and stepped inside like he owned the damn place. To be fair he was so rich he probably did.

"What took you so lo-" I closed the door and frowned when his sentence cut off. I turned to look at him but his darkened eyes were focused on my body. I glanced down at my body, suddenly realising why he had stopped speaking.

I had completely forgotten that I was only dressed in a cropped T-shirt and panties. Thankfully it was a nice thong but it didn't really matter at that point. I felt my cheeks heat up while he shamelessly kept his eyes on my body. "Uh...I'll just go and change."

I tried to make my way past him to my room but his hand instantly shot out to my waist, pulling me in closer to him. I looked up at him properly to see his darkened eyes were filled with lust.

"I told you I've already seen it all before." His voice came out husky as I placed my hand on his chest to steady myself while also attempting to keep a little bit of distance between us. Alessio's eyes snapped down to my lips when I subconsciously bit lip. The tension between us was palpable while we just continued to stare at one another before Alessio seemed to give into the lust and leaned forward.

I watched as he came closer, his perfect soft lips were inches away from mine before I moved my head back to stop him from kissing me. "Alessio..."

As soon it had registered with him that I stopped him, Alessio let go of my waist like my skin was on fire, taking a couple steps away from me. I watched his movements carefully, unsure of what to say to him when the room began to fill with an awkward tension instead of a sexual tension.

"Alessio..." His eyes shifted over to where I was a few steps away from him, any signs of the previous lust being replaced with anger. So he didn't take getting rejected well, I'll have to keep that in mind for next time. "Alessio please don't be angry."

"You should change, we don't want anyone else thinking you're a puttana now, do we?"

I can't lie and say his words didn't hurt, because they did. But I knew he was just angry, not that it was an excuse but still. I didn't need to make it worse by reacting. I left him for a few minutes while I went to brush my teeth and wash my face before putting on some sweatpants. When I returned he was sitting on my couch, still as angry as he was before when I sat down next to him. It reminded me of the night we slept together after he bought me McDonald's, life was so much simpler back then.

"Alessio stop acting like a child." He didn't say a word to me and kept his eyes on his phone busy typing a message to someone. "Alessio." Once again he didn't respond or look at me until I finally snatched his phone from his hand. I held it behind my back moving slightly further away from him on the couch when I saw the anger on his face. "Luciana give me my phone."

"Not until you listen to me."

"I don't want to hear it. Give me my phone, don't make me ask you again." I rolled my eyes at his words and put his phone on the couch behind me so that he couldn't reach it before moving closer to him, much to his annoyance. I knew he wasn't going to hurt me, but it still didn't make the situation any better everytime I remembered exactly who he was.

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