Chapter 5 - No Comment

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~ Luciana's POV ~

I let out sigh when the sunlight shone directly into my eyes making them sting. I rubbed my puffy eyes which were no doubt bloodshot from all the crying I did last night.

My excuse is that Mother Nature has decided to make an appearance, so I'm allowed to cry as much as I want.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Alessio.

That sounded much more convincing in my head.

I rolled over on my stomach to check the time on my phone to see it was a little past 11am, also that I had no notifications from anyone - as expected. I let out a deep sigh before getting out of bed, slipping my feet into my slippers and trudging into the bathroom. I stopped in front of the mirror, staring straight back at myself, my empty brown eyes staring back at me.

My eyes were puffy and red as expected, but what caught my attention was the lifeless look to my face. I've always tried to be that positive person who never lets stuff get to them, it's rare that I've ever let it show as much as it is right now. The sadness was clear to see, for the first time in a long time.

I got on with my morning routine before changing into some comfy clothes to lounge around in for the rest of the day. It was only Sunday, I still had one day to myself before I had to start a brand new week all over again. I definitely needed it with the pains going through my uterus every few seconds - being a girl is so freaking annoying.

I settled on a pair of grey sweats and a white cropped T-shirt before going into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Just as I decided on making some pancakes a knock on the door caused my steps towards the fridge to falter. I slowly made my way into the hall, eyeing the door at the end of the hall as the knocking continued profusely.

With each step towards the door I thought about who could be on the other side, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to see any of the people that came to mind. My hand rested on the door handle before I eventually opened the door, my eyes focusing on the three figures standing there.

"Luciana Donato." My eyes widened as Jake stated my full name, his eyes holding no emotion whatsoever as he flashed me a gold NYPD badge before putting it back into his pocket.

I turned to look at the two men standing behind him, sending me glares. But that's now what caused me to frown in confusion. It was their uniform.

"Luciana Donato I'm arresting you on the suspicion of conspiring with a known enemy of the state. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law."

Jake continued to read me the rest of my rights his voice void of any emotion while keeping his eyes focused on me. It was like he was just repeating the lines he had practised over and over again, it didn't bother him that he was saying them to me. His girlfriend.

I watched him through blurry eyes as he stepped out the way allowing the two cops behind him to turn me around and put handcuffs on my wrists. Their grip remained firm on me as they walked me to the elevator, while Jake stopped to close the front door to my apartment before following behind us.

The ride to the station was silent. The tears fell freely from my eyes as I stared out the window at the people running around New York City, with a busy day ahead of them. They were laughing and smiling, probably having so many plans for the rest of the day. They were happy.

I turned to look at Jake who was sitting in the passenger seat, dressed in a suit unlike the cops with us who had a uniform on. He was a cop. Probably even higher up in the ranks than a cop judging by the suit he was wearing.

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