Chapter 12 - I Want You

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This chapter is my favourite so far! Don't forget to vote and comment to tell me what you think ❤️ Enjoy x

~ Luciana's POV ~

A sharp pain in my head woke me up from my peaceful sleep. My eyes fluttered open adjusting to the light around me when I realised I was in Alessio's bedroom once again. Just like deja vu.

"Hey." I turned my head to find Alessio coming over to me with a glass of water and some pills in his hand. "Take this it'll help with your headache."

For some reason he was being extremely cold with me, just by the way he spoke and made sure to keep his distance from me, I could tell he was being off with me. He hardly even looked at me too.

"Thanks." I swallowed the pills down before leaning back against the pillows waiting for the pain in my head to subside. I closed my eyes, letting mind drift back to last nights events; leaving work in the cold, the explosion, Tomasso and then Alessio.

"So..." His eyes flashed to mine when I spoke breaking the silence that had fallen around us when he sat down on the bed - as far down from me as possible - as expected. "You'll be fine to go home once your headache is gone. I've had people check your apartment, it's all clear."

I nodded thankful that I could at least go home and get away from him and I knew I wouldn't get my ass blown to pieces the second I walked through the door, so that's a plus too. The way he was talking was so formal, like he didn't know me at all. "What's wrong Alessio? You're acting weird."

"Nothing's wrong. I'll be downstairs if you need anything; which you shouldn't really. When you're feeling better you can get dressed and go. I've got you a new car outside next to mine. The keys are by the front door." He gave me one last cold look before walking out the room without sparing me another glance.

I let out a sigh of frustration and glanced down at my clothes to see I was just wearing one of Alessio's tshirts. Honestly I wouldn't even mind going out in this, it just looked like an oversized T-shirt dress. I'll probably keep it, I deserve it for the way he spoke to me anyway and the fact that I almost died which definitely had something to do with him.

I must have fallen asleep again because the next time I woke up my phone said it was 11:58am. Almost three hours after I saw Alessio earlier. I carefully sat up hoping not to aggravate my head anymore. It felt like one wrong movement could push me over the edge and make it hurt like a bitch all over again.

I went into Alessio's bathroom where there was already a spare toothbrush laid out, and did my business before brushing my teeth. My eyes caught my reflection in the mirror causing me to visibly wince at the sight. I definitely wasn't the prettiest thing to look at. My forehead had a few butterfly stitches on where I cut myself last night, my hair was all over the place and my skin was dull and even covered in soot from the smoke. I had a few other cuts on my body but the main ones were on my forehead and my arm which had a few bandages on. My hands were grazed too from the contact I had when I fell to the ground, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. After cleaning myself up I folded my clothes from last night before putting them in my purse, grabbing my phone and holding my heels as I made my way through his huge house. I decided to keep his T-shirt in the end, I liked it and he didn't deserve it back.

The sound of Alessio's voice shouting in Italian travelled down the hallway when I reached the bottom of the stairs where I put my things down. I padded down the hallway towards the voice where I stopped outside a door, I'm assuming it was to his office.

I carefully opened the door, my eyes landing on Alessio who was glaring at some papers infront him shouting down the phone in Italian. When the door creaked open his eyes snapped up to mine, before going colder than they already were. Just like they did this morning.

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