Chapter 40 - It's Time

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~ Luciana's POV ~


Alessio narrowed his eyes at me as he took a step closer to me, giving me a weird look before he repeated his question again, this time much slower.

"What happened at the police station?"

"Oh." I earned weird looks from all four of them but I refused to make eye contact with any of them and instead looked around the kitchen absentmindedly, looking for anything to divert their attention away from me. "Has that always been there?"

They all looked over at the glossy black coffee machine that I was pointing at before turning back to me, this time Alessio came even closer to me.


"Where's Alana?" He stopped in front of me and even though I was sitting on the stool he was still taller than me and therefore as intimidating as ever. "With my dad upstairs. Now, tell me what happened." He lowered his voice a little when he said the second part and I instantly knew he was trying to keep both himself and me calm while he asked me again what happened.

"Don't make me ask you again Luciana." I let out a small sigh when he rested his hands on my thighs, my eyes focusing on his hands instead of looking into his eyes.

"Jake found me outside the store and said he was arresting me for obstruction of justice. They haven't actually charged me yet though."

"Justice for what?" I glanced over at Tomasso who was frowning at me, but more out of care for me than anger - I'm not sure the same could be said for Alessio, not that I was even looking at him.

I didn't want to see his expression when I mentioned something that would hit a soft spot for all of them. He was after all a really close friend of theirs.

"Rafael's murder. He says I must know what happened - which I do." They all seemed to be surprised by the reason I was arrested, although it had been almost ten months since Rafael was killed I knew they still missed him. I wasn't even there for Alessio when he was trying to get through it and I'm pretty sure the reason no one has mentioned this topic since I've been back is because that wasn't a good time. For any of them.

Once they'd taken in that information, I finished explaining the story to them, leaving out the part where he explained why he hated Alessio so much.

"He said he would let me go if I gave Alessio up." I finally glanced at him to see a hard expression on his face, like he was bracing himself for bad news, which broke my heart. He really thought I might do that to him.

"But I didn't. Then he went through a list of all your names and Silvana too. When he realised it was Mason I didn't like out of everyone, he put the recording back on and asked me formally to turn Mason in exchange for my freedom."

"And you said no, right?" Tomasso stepped closer to me, while I kept my eyes firmly on Mason. He held my stare, an unreadable expression on his face as everyone waited for my answer. In those few seconds I stared into his eyes, hoping that one day he would understand everything protecting him could have costed me.

"Of course I did." I could instantly see the relief on his face but that was only for a second before he covered it up.

"So what happened?" I let out a small sigh before turning back to Alessio.

"He said he's going to charge me soon, but because I have a daughter he let me go home for now. Once he charges me I'll have a court hearing and a trial and if I'm found guilty-"

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