Chapter 42 - I Would Follow You Anywhere

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~ Luciana's POV ~

Once the police had cleared out, Alessio and I were quick to leave the house to take Alana to the hospital after the fall she had. No one really had much time to say anything not that we wanted to since we were all still pretty much in shock from what just happened. Thankfully we were only there for a few minutes while the doctor checked her over and gave her the all clear along with a few judgmental stares towards Alessio and I.

As we got back into the car with Alessio in the drivers seat and for once I was able to sit with him in the front since Alana was fast asleep. "Where are Tomasso and Daliah?"

"Daliah just texted. They were going to meet us at the hospital but she decided just to go back to our house instead. She said Tomasso wasn't up for it and that it was better to get him home."

A small frown made its way onto my face at the thought of Daliah and Tomasso being alone together. In my house.

I just hope they didn't break anything expensive if they started arguing.

"He's not coping with Thea's death, but I don't know what to do Luciana." Alessio glanced over at me as he drove and apart from the obvious exhaustion from today's events I could see the pain and stress he was in.

"Let's take it step by step. First when we get home, just talk to him. He doesn't need anything else apart from his bestfriend." I gave him a small smile, placing my hand on his which was resting on the center console. "And while you're looking out for him, I'll be here, looking out for you."

Instead of saying anything else he just nodded his and lifted my hand up to his lips, pressing a quick kiss on it before resting it on his leg. We sat in silence for the rest of the 5 minute ride back home.

Once we pulled up to the house Alessio got Alana from the car seat and we made our way inside, and surprisingly it was dead silent. Honestly I wouldn't have known that Tomasso and Daliah were here if it wasn't for their cars outside.

The moment I stepped into the living room I had to resist the urge to make an 'aww' sound at the sight in front of me. Instead while smiling like a crazy person, I turned around in the doorway and gestured for Alessio to come into the living room, ignoring the weird look he gave me as he came over to me. Honestly I expected him to be as excited as me but instead he just rolled his eyes and made his way upstairs to put Alana down in her crib, leaving me standing there alone.

Before I followed him upstairs I quietly went inside, grabbing a blanket off the couch and draping it over Daliah and Tomasso. Of course I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to take a photo of them either. It's not everyday you see two people who despise each other curled up together on your couch asleep. Daliah even had her head resting on Tomasso's chest.

I don't know why I never thought of the possibility before, I totally ship it.


I love it.

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"Good morning." Looking up from my magazine I watched Daliah as she narrowed her eyes at me while she shuffled into the kitchen half asleep, taking a seat opposite me at the table. A smile soon appeared on her face as she took in the food laid out on the table. "You did all this for me? You shouldn't have Luciana."

I rolled my eyes at her tone as she dug into the food, piling her plate as high as she could. You would think this girl has never seen food before the way she was devouring it.

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