Chapter 3 - Who Is This?

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4 months later

~Luciana's POV~

"I'll see you later baby." I smiled at Jake who was still laying on the bed, his arms behind his head, watching my every move.

"Text me when you finish work and I'll come and see you." I nodded and made my way over to him, placing a kiss on his lips. "Hopefully I'll be done early, but it's not likely."

He just rolled his eyes at my words and sat up, placing a hand on the back of my head to pull in me in for another kiss.

"They work you too hard." I chuckled softly while pecking his lips one last time before leaving his apartment.

The last four months have been crazy. Absolutely hectic.

I wish.

Honestly, I feel like that somewhat 36 hours I spent being kidnapped by Alessio, then sleeping with him, was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me.

After that I pretty much went back to my usual life. Working from 9 in the morning until late in the evening everyday and spending weekends with my friends or alone. I met Jake shortly after that exciting weekend and he asked me to be his girlfriend a few weeks later.

I've always tried to avoid anyone who I would consider to be dangerous after the way I grew up with my father and Jake is exactly what I've always wanted in a boyfriend. He's sweet, kind, caring and he's good to look at too. But the best thing is that he's absolutely nothing like Alessio.

He's not in the mafia. He's just normal, with a normal job as a sales consultant. Nothing dangerous.

So I would say right now my personal life is going well, but just crap.

On top of an insane work load I have to deal with rude people too.

"Lucinda, you need to go through all these too." I looked up just in time to see Melanie, my boss's bitchy assistant, drop a stack of papers on my desk, almost knocking over my third coffee of the day.

"It's Luciana." I shook my head at her when she sent me a smirk and left my office, purposely leaving the door wide open - something which she knows I absolutely hate.

Ever since I had my...encounter, with Alessio, for some reason I haven't minded people calling me Luciana - well I just don't correct them anymore if they do. No one says it as nice as he did though, that's for sure. But one time my boss called me Luciana in front of this bitch, she's been taking the piss out of my name ever since.

Apart from Daliah, the only other person who doesn't know my full name is Jake, only because I wanted to keep my past as far away from our relationship as I could. That means he doesn't know about my name, where I came from and anything to do with my father. All he knows is that my father was half Italian hence my surname Donato, but he thinks he died in a car crash when I was young.

I let out a sigh and started getting through the rest of the work I'd just been given to do, ignoring the already large pile next to me waiting for my attention. It's like the people here don't work, all they do is give me their work to do.

I finally managed to get the work done before taking some papers to my boss to sign. I once again slipped my feet into my painful shoes and made my way down the hall to his office. I knocked on the door and awaited his call to come inside which followed seconds later.

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