Chapter 53: Getting Answers

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While Daisy tried speaking to Robin, Jemma, Hilna, and Leo were in the science room with the machine, I was in the landing bay with Allie, Kina, Erol, and Piecor.

"How you feeling?" I asked Piecor.

"Better." Piecor replied. "Mom, I'm sorry for not listening to you. I just wanted to prove myself...but I never imagined myself to be in a situation like this."

I placed my hand on Piecor's shoulder. "It's alright. Part of it was my fault. You're a padawan, Piecor, and not to mention you're getting older. It's time to let you fight and prove yourself, within certain circumstances."

I then saw Phil and May, who were amongst themselves in the edge of the landing bay approach us. Phil was the first to speak up. "You raised a good kid, Storm."

"He helped the team out a lot." May added. "He's strong, brave, smart, and he's got a good heart."

My smile widened upon hearing their words. I was proud that my children were growing up into wonderful young adolescents. It's what a mother hopes for.

"He'd make a great agent. That is if you would allow Piecor to become one." Phil informed me.

Piecor's eyes lit up upon hearing Phil's words. "Can I?"

I chuckled. "If that's really what you want then you can become an agent, however first you must become a Jedi Knight."

Piecor wore a determined look. "And I'll do it before I'm fifteen."

I let out a laugh as I ruffled his hair. Phil looked over at Piecor before speaking. "I still can't believe Loki's his dad..."

"There's a lot stranger things we've dealt with." May pointed out.

Phil nodded. "And something tells me that it's only the beginning. We're going to check on Daisy."

I nodded in response. Not too long after Phil and May left, some of Voss's goons entered the landing bay. I took one look at them and their stance, knowing quite well their intent was to fight us. I glanced over at Allie and Kina, who sensed it too. I gave them a nod, which they returned. Piecor looked at me, somewhat confused. "What's going on?"

"We're going to take them out." I whispered as they got closer. "Now!"

With ease, Allie, Kina, Erol, Piecor, and I took down Voss's goons, but we did it without our weapons as we would harm them, and we merely wanted to knock them out. Once we defeated Voss's men, we heard yelling from where Robin was. We quickly rushed over to see Daisy, Phil, and May, holding Robin. Daisy grabbed Voss's arm, making sure he couldn't escape.

May looked devastated. "Oh, no Robin. You're okay. You're...W-We're gonna take care of you. Shh...You're okay, you're okay."

"Mom?" Robin asked.

"I'm sorry. She's not here, but I'll stay with you." May informed her.

Robin smiled. "You always promised you'd be here at the end..."

May was taken back as Robin explained to her that she raised her. "I-I raised you?"

"After my mother was gone, we lived together." Robin elaborated.

"Why me?" May asked.

"You weren't afraid of what I could do. You always said I had a gift." Robin confessed. "And that one day, I could help save the world. I was to remind you that you're needed for more than you realize."

"Robin...Robin, what am I supposed to do?" May insisted.

"I know you can save the world. You were right. I've seen it. I just haven't lived it yet." Robin said as she let out a small chuckle.

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