Chapter 73: Taking Down The Black Order

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~Storm's P.O.V.~
It wasn't long until Cull, Proxima, Hatro, and Vorlega joined the battle. Cull began using his hammer, striking down warriors from left to right. However together both T'Challa and Maya knocked down Cull with a single blow.

"Come and get some, space dogs!" I heard the Lurmen exclaim as he fired his blaster at the hounds.

Bucky, who was right beside me, picked the Lurmen up, spinning him around as they both fired their guns at the hounds. The Lurmen yelled as he let out a laugh. "Come on, get some, get some! Come on, get some!"

Once Bucky dropped the Lurmen, he looked up at him with an amused look. "How much for the gun?"

"Not for sale." Bucky replied as he loaded another round of bullets.

"Okay, how much for the arm?" The Lurmen asked.

Bucky just gave him a look before walking off. The Lurmen grinned. "Oh, I'll get that arm."

"Why would you need that arm?" I inquired.

The Lurmen shrugged. "You never know when the situation may arise."

I furrowed my brows. "You're the strangest Lurmen I've ever met."

The Lurmen looked at me rather baffled. "Lurmen?"

I then took off, joining Steve and Thor as together we took down several of the hounds. Once we saw no hounds heading towards us, Steve spoke up, turning to Thor. "New haircut?"

"Notice you've copied my beard." Thor replied with a grin.

Steve nodded as he wore a weary look. Thor's eyes lit up upon seeing Storm. "Storm, you're all right!"

"Yeah, I came across some trouble, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle." I commented.

"I knew you would be fine." Thor informed me.

I nodded as I wore a smile. "I know, Obi told me. Thank you for believing in me."

At that moment, Thor's new tree friend skewered three hounds with his right arm. Thor then pointed at him with his new axe. "By the way, this is a friend of mine. Tree."

"I am GROOT!" The tree exclaimed in anger.

"I...I am Steve Rogers." Steve replied, introducing himself.

"Storm, Storm Odinson." I added.

I then sensed something heading our way. I turned to see huge massive, spiked wheels, shredding everything in their paths. Jinx, Maya, Kina, Gida, Tarom, Luke, Areria, Hilna, Zira, Otara, Obi, Stass, Padmé, Piecor, and I used the Force, throwing back as many of those spiked wheels. However a few managed to slip, heading straight towards Okoye, Nat, Leia, and Jyn.

However before the wheels could reach them, Wanda landed in front of them. Her eyes glowed red as she lifted the wheels, throwing them back on a throng of hounds. I sighed in relief as I approached them. Jyn and Leia let out relieved sighs, while Nat smiled at Wanda. Okoye looked at Wanda rather amazed. "Why was she up there all this time?"

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here." Sam informed us through the comms.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve urged.

"I got him!" Bruce exclaimed before taking off in the the Hulkbuster suit.

"On my way." Wanda chimed in before she was clobbered by Proxima's sword not too far from us.

We watched as she rolled down into a large ditch. I was about to head towards her, when Okoye, Jyn, and Nat stepped in.

"We got this." Jyn assured me. "Go take care of your cousins."

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