Chapter 55: Getting Deke Back

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"Where did they come from?" May asked.

An unfamiliar voice spoke out. "Unknown."

We then whipped around to see a man in a suit at the door of the storage. Who was he? And how did he get in?

"Ah, perhaps I should not have startled you. Hello, I'm Noah." The man greeted us as he made his way towards us. "I'm a sentient Chronicom from a planet which revolves around a star in the constellation..."

"Cygnus." Leo finished.

May nodded. "Got it."

"You're a Chronicom?" Piecor questioned.

"I am." Noah confirmed.

"Did you know Enoch?" I inquired.

"I did. He is the one who alerted me to the presence of this place. I'm glad to see you made your return journey safely, Agent Fitz and Agent Odinson." Noah commented.

"Why are you here? Why are they here?" May asked.

"This bunker was built with extensive fallout shielding. Ergo, a secure place to store unsafe items." Noah explained.

"These Monoliths are more than unsafe. No one should get anywhere near them." May insisted.

"The other deciding factor. Everyone who knows about this bunker is now inside of it. So the world is protected from these Monoliths, and they are protected from the outside world." Noah pointed out.

"So the outside world up there is still safe normal and all that?" Leo inquired.

Noah nodded. "For now, though we are watching very closely. Follow me upstairs. I'll show you."

He then lead us upstairs to a room with a few tables, several screens, a few chairs, and a computer. Noah then proceeded to explain what this room was for. "Here, we can monitor any unusual activity anywhere on Earth. We Chronicoms monitor the line between the world and a stranger world."

"Yeah, you monitor it and do nothing about it." May retorted.

"Yes, we observe without interfering, unless there is..." Noah began.

Leo, May, Piecor, and I finished his sentence simultaneously. "Extinction-level event."

Leo nodded. "Yeah, we got it."

"Yes, we know that story." May informed him.

"What are you observing now?" I inquired.

"Various potential threats. You'd be surprised how frequently mentioned." Noah commented.

May shrugged. "We have a small but active fan base."

"There are several events of note. A well-known politician attempting to delete his FBI files. An Asgardian spotted in the city along with Agent Storm Odinson, her small droid, and her daughter, Frigga Lokidottir."

Piecor furrowed his brows. "Frigga? What were you doing with an Asgardian?"

"It was your Uncle Thor...I'll explain later. " I assured him. "It's a long story..."

May then pointed towards the light beeping from a building up to the sky. "What's this one?"

"Potential alien contact. Why? Does this event mean something to you?" Noah asked.

May nodded. "Yeah. I think it does."

We then contacted the others, making sure everyone was present. May played the video for all of us to see. Everyone watched in silence until Phil spoke up. "A light from the sky."

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