Chapter 11: A Vacation Sounds Good

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A month had passed since mom's funeral. I was currently at one of the Jedi Temple on the planet Tython. It was one of the many temples that was rebuilt after the fall of the Empire and rise of the New Republic. The temple was huge and beautiful on both the outside and inside of the temple. There were lecture halls, study halls, dining facilities, training rooms, archives room, hangars, a council room for all members of the Jedi Council. All around the temple there were tapestries hung, and even holoprojectors and stone statues of the most famous Jedi, including Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Maya, Jinx, Luke, Kina, Gida, Tarom, and me. 

 As time passed by, the number of Jedi were increasing rapidly. Areria and Zira were with me in the same temple, teaching padawans along with other new Jedi Knights. Unfortunately there weren't enough Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters for each padawan and youngling, so we had to take on more apprentices much different than the Old Republic. I was currently teaching a small group of padawans, including Obi, Otara Andor, Frigga, and a couple others. We were one in of the many lecture halls with curved polished wood walls. Today I was teaching them one of the many lessons padawans learn from their masters: overconfidence.

"It is looked highly upon to be confident as a Jedi, however do not confuse this with believing that you can do anything. You must learn as padawans that you are barely learning the ways of the Jedi and of the Force. You must know your limitations as a beginner." I explained. "Many young Jedi who were overconfident didn't take into consideration all the possibilities of the outcomes of their hard missions, and unfortunately they perished. 

"Now they may have understood the mission, counted on the support of their allies, and planned for factors that may have arisen along the way, but they failed to realize what they were capable of and they did not plan for failure, believing the win was a guarantee. Every Jedi must prepare for the possibility of failure no matter what the odds are. And remember this: the Force is only truly limitless to those who have limitless understanding." 

At that moment, one of the Jedi Masters from the Jedi Council approached us. "Master Odison, your husband, Count Odinson, wishes to speak to you."

"Through a hologram?" I inquired.

"No, he's actually here in the main hall." He informed me.

"Very well. Keep an eye on the padawans while I'm gone, Master Irirol." I advised.

"Of course, Master Odinson." Master Irirol said with a bow. 

I gave a bow before walking out to see Loki in the main hall, admiring the scenery. My smile widened as he turned around and saw me. "Hello darling."

"Good to see you, love." I replied.

As soon as Loki leaned in to kiss me, I then heard R3 loudly beeping, happy to see me as he rushed over towards us. Loki narrowed his eyes. "You couldn't give us a minute?"

"R3, glad to see you too. But what's he doing here?" I questioned.

"He wouldn't let me leave the house if I didn't take him." Loki explained.

I chuckled. "That sounds just like R3."

R3 let out another beep before I turned back to Loki. "So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"I spoke to Alotren and Jinx, and they agree with me." Loki said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Agree with you on what?"

"We should return to Asgard with our children. They've never seen Asgard before." Loki commented. "It would be a vacation, for all of us."

"It doesn't sound bad." I replied.

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