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A whistle blows, signaling our first test would be the 50-meter dash. The measuring device 5A spoke out, "Runners, on your marks. Ready—" a gunshot goes off, Iida and a girl that looked like a frog was up first. Taking off. "3.04 seconds" the robot says as Tenya flys past it. The average was about 7-9 seconds so honestly, good for him.

Mine was only 5 seconds, as I didn't use any quirks to run. As I waited I also took in everyone's quirk. One with a laser being shot out of their belly button, Iida has weird engines on his caves, that round-face girl has something to do with gravity, Katsuki used his explosions to push him while he ran. Smart.

Next was the Grip strength. I did pretty average, around 45 Kilograms.

Test 3 was standing long jump. Average again, I could see Aizawa watching me wondering why I haven't been trying, I just shrug my shoulders and he gives me an eye roll.

Test 4, repeated side steps. Average again.

Test 5, ball throw. I waited for my turn as Izuku stood in the circle, seeming like he was having conflict with himself. He has been doing average just like me this whole entire time, I don't know why he's working himself up about it all.

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home" Iida states the obvious, clearly my quirk was working because it seemed no one had noticed that I've been here. It's a quirk called inconspicuous, where I am able to make myself become something not easily seen unless someone is purposely looking at me or knows of my existence.

"Huh? Of course he is. He's a quirkless loser." Katsuki says as he points at Izuku.

"He has a quirk" Iida says. No he doesn't. I say to myself as I shake my head, "did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?" I raise an eyebrow, wait what happened? There is no way- is Izuku a late bloomer?


Izuku growls and throws the ball, just then I see Aizawa activate his quirk. "What?" I said as I looked at Aizawa.

"46 meters!" The Measuring device 5A calls out.

Aizawa scarf started to float around as it seemed he was having a conversation with Izuku. What was going on..? I try crouched down and touched the ground, using a quirk called vibration hearing to listen in, "I erased your quirk. The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."

"Wait, you did what to my— ah! Those goggles. I know you!" What the heck is going on? "You can look at someone and cancel out their powers. The Erasure Hero. Eraser Head!"

"Eraser? Who's that?"

"Oh I've heard of him."

"I think he works on the down-low."

My ears also picks up something else, I move my head and notice All Might standing behind a building peaking over- watching us. Why is he here? My eyes moved to follow his own, falling on Izuku.

"You're not ready" Aizawa says as he stares down at Izuku. "You don't have control over your power." He doesn't have control..? Does this mean..? My eyes go back to All Might. I was one of the only few people who knew about the secret of One for All. Was Izuku the one who was going to fill in All Mights shoes? The one who would take One for All by it being passed down to him? No way! "We're you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?"

"No! That's not what I was trying to do!" Aizawa takes his scarf and grabs izuku, pulling him to him. I was going to jump up and stop but I stopped myself, I couldn't do anything rational.

"No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more than a liability in battle. You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know. One who saved 1,000 people by himself and became a legend. But even with that drive, you're worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down. Sorry, Midoriya. With your power, there's no way you can become a hero." Aizawa releases him, I could feel my insides bubble in anger. How could he say such a thing? I get he's trying to get a point across but honestly.. "I've returned your impractical Quirk. Take your final throw. Hurry and get it over with."

Aizawa turns and starts to walk off, his eyes hit mine and I get up. He instantly realized I was listening in the conversation and shakes his head at me.

After a minute Izuku started to move, going for a second throw. With the look on his face he was going to use his quirk, a smile instantly coming on my face. When the ball only touched his one pointer finger he used One for All and threw it at maximum power, only making him loose one finger. I clasped my hands together and I let out a happy noise, "that was amazing!" I say out loud. I could see Izuku eyes move and hit mine, his eyes opening in realization. Probably wondering who I was and why he hasn't noticed me yet.

"It's your turn y/n" Aizawa says and I move, a few people start to mumble.

"Wait who is she?"

"Has she been here this whole time?"

"What the..?"

"Do you plan on not giving your best effort?" He says as I walk past him,

"You know how well I can do already Aizawa-sensei."

"Try at least once" he says and I roll my eyes at him this time.

"That dumb bitch" I hear Katsuki, I don't know what he has against me but it doesn't sound good. It was obvious though, he knew of my existence. He noticed me when I had my inconspicuous quirk on.

Aizawa tosses me a ball, which I grab and get in a stance. Now what could I do to blow everyone away? I couldn't really top that infinity by round-face. Maybe I'll just come in second, so I pull my arm back- I take a deep breath as I activate my healing quirk so I can prevent burning to my right hand. My hand blows in a black flame as I use the flame to forcefully push the ball out of my hand. Once the ball was out of my hand I shake my right hand, the burning sensation was a lot worse then last time.

"975" Aizawa says and he nods at me.


"Woah! That's crazy!"

"That's better then you Bakugo!"

I walk back and I stand next to Izuku who watched me silently, but I didn't pay it much attention. I was too busy rubbing my right hand which was burning from the fire, did I make the fire too hot? God I really need to practice with my fire quirk.

The rest of the tests was the distance run, sit-ups, and the seated toe touch. I came in 19th while Izuku came in 20th, "by the way, I was lying" Aizawa informs the class that he won't be expelling anyone.

 I came in 19th while Izuku came in 20th, "by the way, I was lying" Aizawa informs the class that he won't be expelling anyone

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