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"Y/n, I understand you were angry but attacking UA members is a serious offense." Nezu says as I stood in his office. Aziawa stood next to me, giving off a short sigh. "I know we are family; but all rules for the students in UA are the same" the room goes silent, but he breathes and sits up straighter in his seat. "You will be getting a 2 days school suspension"

I kept my eyes on the floor, I know I knew better- yet.. I still did what I did. "I understand"

"This will be good for you; you have a lot on your mind right now and a lot is happening. Rest your mind" Nezu says and I nod, "Aziawa, I'll have Mic fill in for you, it's up to you to either stay home with her or if we need to assign someone to watch her"


- no pov -

All the classes were murmuring; rumors of Y/n attacking staff members of UA was spreading quickly as someone had came to school and overheard the conversation between two other staff members conversing about it.

"Did you guys hear, ribbit" asui asks as they sat in class, waiting for awizawa to come to class and begin. "Y/n attacking UA staff"

"I heard she was suspended" Sero joined in

"I heard she was expelled" Kaminari states with a shrug.

"It's honestly kind of scary to think someone as quiet and sweet like y/n would do something like that" Uraraka says as she stood by Deku.

"She must have had her reasons; but then again I don't really see her doing that. From what I saw, she got along with the UA staff members" Midoriya says and he began to mumble.

"Y/n has always been strange since I've noticed her; I remember not even knowing she was in our class until a few weeks after school started" Ojiro says and people began to agree.

"But to think she attacked UA teachers and won" asui says as she moved her hand to her cheek, "wouldn't that make her scary strong?" Katsuki Tsk's loudly as he listened in, but refused to join in the conversation.

"Did anyone see her yesterday? I saw her being escorted by Number 7 pro hero Kamui Woods"

"I noticed that as well, she wasn't even allowed to stand with us during the award ceremony"

"Do you think she got in trouble yesterday as well...?"

"Can you extra's shut the fuck up" katsuki growled as he let out a groan. Nobody really listened though, but Kirishima decided to switch the conversation to something else.


Once I got home Aziawa hammered a whole lecture in my head which took an hour. He wasn't angry but he wasn't happy with my actions; meaning he was making me write a whole essay on why I need to learn how to control myself- which I agreed to do- he left to go back to school.

I spent that next two days at home, not leaving the house and working on that essay of why I should learn how to control myself.

Other then that I used my time to work with Kuroko; we didn't talk about the current 'memories' that have come back to me. I guess part of me didn't want to find anything else, meaning kuroko took notice and didn't push the subject.

On the 2nd day of my suspension I ended up catching another fever; though with my healing quirk it wasn't as bad as it use to be. I ended up gaining a quirk to make vines grow out of the ground and do all types of cool stuff with it.

After that I went back to school; stepping on the school grounds I instantly got looks. My mind traced back to the conversation last night with Aziawa.

"Tomorrow I want you to head straight to class, ignore the looks and whispering" Aziawa says as I sat on the couch, petting Berry as he sat next to me.

"Did something happen?" I asked as I moved closer to berry and nuzzle him with my nose.

"Two staff members were talking about it after we left and someone over heard. The person who overheard ended up spreading it across the school and everyone knows you was suspended for attacking UA staff" he says and I sigh, my mind tracing to my class. Wondering what they thought about it. "We already tracked down who started it and a punishment was put into action. But we weren't fast enough, it has already spread across the school."

I continued to walk, ignoring everyone and their stares. When I made it to class the class goes silent, which I decide to ignore as I make it to my seat.

"Y/n you're back" Midoriya says as he makes it over to my desk, I give him a weak smile.

"Hey Midoriya, what did I miss?" I asked and he smiles.

"Nothing really. we have only been learning the basic stuff, no hero training or anything. If you want you can barrow my literature notebook to catch up"

"Really? I'd appreciate it!" I say as I smile softly.

"Hey y/n" Kaminari speaks up and I look over to him, it looked like Sero was making an X at Kaminari, like he was signaling him to not do something. "Is it true you attacked UA staff members?"

With that the classroom fell silent again. I took a few seconds before I responded, "Yeah I did"

"Wait really?" Izuku asked with a surprised tone. "I thought it was just a rumor, I couldn't imagine you doing that"

"Yeah, why did you?" Sero asks as I look away, staring at the front of the class.

"That's actually, none of your business" I say and I hear his breathing hitch. The room once again go silent, what do you expect me to say? Oh I attacked grams and midnight because they wouldn't let me kill my biological mother. "Also, dummy, why do you think I've been gone for two days?" I raise a brow at Midoriya.

Midoriya blushes slightly, "you're right. Sorry." The door slides open and Aziawa walks in, forcing Midoriya to quickly go to his seat.

Sorry for not putting up any chapters. A lot has been going on and honestly.. I don't know if I can do it anymore. Idk when but I'm going to be posting the rest of the chapters and may disappear for a long while.

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