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"When I was at the age of 7, my father had ordered someone to erase my memory and throw me out in a alleyway." Izuku's eyes widened, "so you can say I'm adopted" I state blankly. In return Izuku gave me a surprised expression. "Without any memories I didn't know who I belonged to. I didn't know who my parents were or if I had any siblings" I paused for a minute, "my legal guardians are actually UA, but the main one is Aizawa-Sensei"

"A-Aizawa?!" Izuku says in surprise as his eyes widened even more, "oh my god, a lot of things just started to make since"

"Yeah." I say as I nod my head, "remember my outburst during the Sports Festival?"


"The guy who I called up ended up gathering a few other guys and attacked me as I left UA"

"No way-!"

"Yeah, then some guy came in and saved me, if he hadn't I might not even be here right now." Izuku nods as he listened closely. "Lately lots of fragments have been coming back to me, especially when I meet someone who I've known in my past. The guy who saved me- actually ended up being my full blooded brother. He actually came to UA to find me because he saw me on TV. He apparently found a photo of me and wanted to ask me where his father was at or if I knew who he was" I move my hand to my cheek as I tap it, "though, honestly, I didn't remember him when I met him. I only found out because when I saw my mom I ended up having a episode of memories that came flooding back, making me remember that she was my biological mom and Ren is actually my brother. My mom wasn't happy to see me- apparently when I was young, around 5, my biological parents split. My brother staying with my mom and I stayed with my dad. It was chosen mostly because my brother was my mother's favorite and didn't like me. She was outraged I was in her house, to the point after I stormed out she attacked Ren and my little step brother." Izuku stared at me with so much sympathy, it kind of made me feel like I shouldn't have told him. "I wouldn't have found out, but- since UA is my legal Gardian they have done lots of research on me and found out that I wasn't even in the government files. There is no quirk called plunderer or anything like it in the government files. It's extremely dangerous, specially when they now know kids like me who are granted with such a powerful quirk is undocumented. So, they have been looking for both my mother and father. When they found out Kei was my mother they went to retrieve her. I came to see grams in the morning before school started and I ended up finding them beaten up. As them, I mean Ren and Romeo, who is my younger step brother. So I lost it and attacked everyone, getting myself suspended" I took a deep breath.

"That was quite a load of information" Izuku says with a sweat-drop.

Izuku and I talked about it more. Explaining more of the fact I've been with UA since I was kid and how I stayed with Aizawa. I explained to him about everything that I could. I was really lucky to have someone like Izuku to listen to me. He really did take every word and kept it with him. He really listened to me and let me talk my feelings out. Even though he looked like he was sympathetic of me he never said he felt sorry for me or that he was sorry that this happened. He must have known that it would of made me feel like crap because I'm explaining this to him so things made more sense, not for sympathy.

"You know, I would have never guessed you was adopted by Aizawa-Sensei" Izuku pointed out and I laugh, "he doesn't really seem like he'd be the father type"

"I guess he does give that vibe, but honestly he's the best. I mean, I'm not sure how children are really raised and I'm not saying that I'm a parenting expert, but— I think he raised me really well" I make a pouty face, "honestly, I think you can expect anyone who has a job to teach kids could raise one"

"I guess you're right" he says and silence floats between us. "Thanks"

"For what?" I hum and I hear him chuckle.

"For trusting me. I mean, I know All Might has a lot to do with it. It just makes me happy that someone can trust me with so much, though, it's kind of scary. Like, what if I accidentally told someone"

"I understand" I speak as I sit up, curling my hair around my finger. "It's scary, to have an entire bag full of secrets on your shoulders. Honestly though, I should be thanking you. Sharing it with someone- doesn't make me feel lonely anymore. I mean, I know I have Kuroko, but, he's literally me."

We stayed up there for a little bit longer before making our way back to the bottom of UA to head home. "I forgot, I want to hand in my intern papers" Izuku says and I nod.

"I'll come with?"

As we walked down the hall Izuku started up another conversation, "so, do you have any idea who you'll be interning with?" He asked and I shrug.

"I'm not allowed to intern" I say blankly.

He seemed shocked, "w-wait what?! I thought Aizawa said that everyone is interning!"

"W-well..." I say as I scratched the back of my head. "With everything going on with family, my quirk, and my memories... everyone think it will be better if I just stayed here. I mean honestly, I'll basically be interning with UA but I'll probably just stay at home"

"Wow, that quirk comes with a lot of restriction"

"It isn't only the quirk, it's everything else that's also causing problems. Having these stupid 'flashbacks' and now I have two brothers to think of.. it's kind of just a lot. I don't really wanted to intern anyways- so I guess it's a win win"

After Izuku dropped off his paper we walked out of UA and went separate ways to go home.

Watching the news that night was quite scary. Apparently around the middle of the sports festival Iida's elder brother was all over the news. He was attacked by the Hero Killer: Stain, who was already reported for killing 17 heroes in the past and hurting 23 so badly that they were beyond recovery...

Izuku will be taking the train today like most of my other classmates to go to their interns. Since he will be gone for awhile, I decided to come to the train station to bid him farewell.

"Everyone has their costumes, right?" He says as I stand nearby, but he looked at the packed students- not me. "Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet, and don't lose them or anything."


"Speak properly! It's 'yes, sir,' Ashido."

"Yes, sir..."

"Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it."

"Yes sir!" Everyone says in unison.

"So you came to say bye?" Izuku says with a smile as he rushes over to me.

"Of course! To Everyone as well!" I smile back and Uraraka rushes over.

"Y/n! You're staying here?"

I give her a nod, "my internship is actually not far from UA so I don't need to take a train out or anything" I laugh and she smiles.

"Oh really, well, I'm going to really miss you guys! But honestly, I'm so pumped!" She admits as she throws a fist in the air.

I see Iida walk behind Izuku and Uraraka. His face such a determined face. It wasn't like your normal 'I'm going to pass this test!' Kind of determination. It looked like he was getting ready to stare death in its face and spit on him.

Izuku and Uraraka notices, they hold their hands up as a goodbye. "We will see you when we get back!" Izuku says as they both ran after Iida. I don't know if it was the slight fear that I gained from seeing Iida's face or if it was me being separated by my best friends- but I could tell a lot of bad things were going to go down.

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