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I knock on the door softly before opening the door. Like always, a piping hot cup sat in front of the chair that was in front of Gramps desk. "Y/n, good morning" Gramps speaks as he closes the book he was reading. "Please go ahead and have a seat"

"Aizawa said you wanted to speak to me?" I say as I shut the door behind me, walking over to the seat and sitting down, placing my bag off on the floor next to the foot of the chair. I pick up the cup, of which I assumed was hot chocolate, and I blow gently.

"As you probably know, we had a staff meeting two days ago" He stated and I nod. Aizawa had told me but I didnt really think much about it. "The person who initiated this meeting was actually All Might. He had come to me with some information and speculations, which were about you" My eyes widened as I look up at him,

"About me?"

He nods, "All Might has made some good points and we think we know what- no, who stole Kuroko away from you"

"You know who took him?!" I say as I placed the cup down and stand up,

"We have told you before that youre the only person who has documentation of having a quirk called Plunder. What we havent told you is that there is another quirk, that we know of, that also has the power to steal quirks." I sit back down, interested in knowing who this was. If there was someone else with a quirk that can take another persons quirk, could I have possibly be related to them? "He goes by All for one. We believe to him be the actual leader of the League of Villains." My eyes widened in both fear and sadness. "We have taken notice in the League of Villains attention for you. We are afraid this is only the beginning and there is a high chance they will continue causing trouble for UA. Although, we are still trying to figure out their game plan. Because of this we had spoke about what we are going to do about you" He pauses for a second and puts his paws together, "We had to choices; Hiring a pro hero who will escort you absolutely everywhere or we focus on making you stronger. In the end we decided against the escort and had decided that we will be focusing on making you strong enough to protect yourself"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Firstly we spoke about the fact how your classmates believe you only have one quirk. We think that with the increase tension and the fact some of your classmates are getting suspicious, we should come out and tell your classmates your real quirk. Things will only get worse from here and we are planning to actually seperate you from your class during certain lessons for individual training"

"When should I tell them..?" my voice came out as a mutter as I knew this day was coming.

"Do you still not want to tell them?" He asked and I shake my head no,

"Its not that I dont want to," I quickly say as my left hand goes to hold on to my right arm, "Dont you think they are going to be angry at me for not telling them?"

"Y/n" Gramps says and I look at him with a frown, "Your classmates will understand why you kept it from them," He pauses as I was still full of uncertainty, "How about we start slowly then? How about explaining it to the people who already have speculation of your quirk"

I nod, "Okay."

"Now your classes. You will still be attending classes and you will be apart of the activities for class 1-A. The difference this time is every day you'll be pulled from one class, which will alternate every day, where we will have special training for you. Not only that but Aizawa says once you feel better he will be assessing you when you two are home. We have also have done some investigating and the person you will be doing specialized training with will be Ren" I take a quick breath in

"Ren is going to be training me?" I say happily and Gramps smiles with a nod

"We mainly wanted to choose someone who you would be comfortable with but actually Ren volunteered. After watching him he is definitely skilled and has a quirk that can combat with yours pretty well. Obviously, Aizawa will be there and so will Midnight. But their only objective is to watch and make sure you dont blow up school grounds and stop anything that may be damaging to either you or your brother" I nod in understanding. I was actually excited to see what Ren could do, specially after Gramps complementing him on being skilled.

I look down at my right hand and make a fist, but now, more than ever, the question of who I really was, was becoming larger as each day went by. Just who am i? Even though Kurogiri had told me that I wasnt connected to them. There was no way he was telling the truth with this much evidence that I was indeed connected to the League of Villains. It was obvious, to not only me but to the UA staff as well, that there was definitely a connection between the League of Villains and I. But what exactly is that connection?

I let out a sigh, "Ill set up a meeting for tomorrow at lunch. Ill gather the suspicious classmates and we will explain it during your lunch break. These special removals from class wont be starting until next week as Aizawa is worried about you getting better before doing any training"

"I understand" Gramps smile,

"Go ahead and drink the hot chocolate before you head to class" Nezu speaks and I nod, picking up the cup and begin drinking it. Like always it tasted the same, sweet and full of love.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate by the way" I say as I remove the cup from my lips, he only smiles as he picks up his book and begins to read it. "Also, where did that Plunder book go?" I asked and Nezu's eyes widened,

"Oh yeah, I forgot I still had it" He speaks as he puts his book down and jumps off his chair. He walks over to the side to open a drawer and pulls out the familiar looking book. He walks over and places it on the desk right in front of me, "Here you go"

"Thanks" I smile shortly and he returns it with his own smile.


Okay so I have one thing to say:

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Okay so I have one thing to say:

Is Tokoyami a bird? If so, was he born by egg even though he could classify as a human? Also, how does it feel to be born from an egg?

(I may be posting this at 1:14 am, but this counts as Saturday hue hue. Hope all of you are having a wonderful day/night!)

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