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I leaned forward as I sat down in a chair next to Izuku's medical bed. I was so angry and furious at Izuku for acting so recklessly, I was absolutely terrified after I saw his arms up close- scarring me for life.

I covered my face as my elbows rested on my knees. When I saw his body like that, I instantly assumed he was dead and I nearly freaked out. I say nearly because I was about to but Cementoss boxed me up in cement before I went full crazy-head.

For some reason; when I saw Izuku like that I felt my heart beg for everything to stop. To stop tormenting it like this- aizawa was enough and now Izuku. The several faces I saw during that moment and the unbearable noises of Izuku being in pain really got me- The overwhelming feelings I felt at that moment makes me wonder what exactly happened in those several years that I no longer have memory of.

As each day continues to go by the more I questioned my past. The more I question my past, the more I question myself- if I'm even allowed to be here.

"The bones in your right arm were shattered. I'm afraid it will never be the same as it was before. I need to remove the bone fragments or they will get stuck in your joints. I'll heal you afterwards." Grams voice says, I didn't move a muscle- I was to afraid to. I was so afraid of letting go and bawling my eyes out. She lets out a soft sigh, "you lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. Look at what he has done to make you proud. Look at how badly y/n is taking this as well- I don't like it one bit."

I could feel a tear slip down my cheek and I shut my eyes tightly. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Midoriya!" Voices yell as the door slams open.

"You scared the crap outta me" Uncle Yagi mutters. My hands quickly remove from my face and I wipe that single tear away as quickly as I could. Swallowing my feelings down I throw up a fake smile.

"Are you okay?" Uraraka says as she was the first one to walk in. "Y/n you're here too." She says as she looks at me.

"Yeah, of course I am" I say as I look away and let out a fake laugh. Keep calm. Keep cool. Don't loose it.

"Oh. It's nice to meet you, sir." Uraraka says as she looked over at Uncle Yagi. Uncle Yagi raises his hand as some kind of greeting.

"He is in no state for visitors" grandma informed, she also looked at me, "it would be best if you left as well."

"H-hey you guys." Izuku says as he opens his eyes, "should you be watching the matches?" His eyes hit mine and he stares at me for a second. My smile drops as I give him a frown- a disapproved look.

"The stage was far too damaged. They are taking a quick break to repair it now." Iida informs us. Grandma looked over at me and came over to me, coming up to my ear.

"Once I'm finished with Izuku, you're gonna have to start confessing. You may think you're good at hiding things but I've known you since you was a child y/n" she backs away from me and I stifle a fake laugh. "You're too noisy! I know you're worried, but I've got to focus on surgery now!" Grandma says as she started forcing people out.


I get up and started to head out as well, "y/n" izuku speaks softly, making me stop in my tracks. I turn around and look at him, his eyes was full of guilt. "I'm sorry" he leans his head back, making his hair shadow his eyes so I couldn't see them. "I couldn't do the one thing you asked me to do. You too All Might. I couldn't even do what you asked me to do." I let out a sigh as I walked over to him and flicked his forehead, making him sit up and stare at me with wide eyes.

"You got todoroki to realize something important today" All Might says to Izuku. I give Izuku a weak smile, he saved Todoroki. I move my hand and ruffle up his wild green hair, making me let out a short laugh as it made me want to attempt to comb though the hot mess.

I turn my heels and walk out- ignoring Izuku's question of why I was laughing. My lips curl up into an evil smile- YES THIS IS HOW HE WILL REPAY ME! ILL COMB THOUGH THAT CRAZY HAIR OF HIS!

[time skip]

After Grams was done I went back into the infirmary. Izuku laid sprawled out on the bed as his arms was completely damaged. I take a seat on the mattress as I notice he was out.

"So what has been going on?" Grams asked me and I let out a sigh.

"I've been seeing things."


Guess who was tagged again 🥳 this girl. I was tagged by prickly_personality , a lot is going on and my head is throbbing so I don't feel like making an end card. Anyways I'll be answering uwu.

Everyone grab your popcorn and buckle your seat, this is going to be a train ride.

Everyone grab your popcorn and buckle your seat, this is going to be a train ride

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1) do I like someone?
-it's actually kind of complicated. As of right now, I want to believe I don't like anyone. Buttt;; I think I only tell that to myself because I'm stuck on who to choose.
2) do they like me?
- both of them do— actually.
3) middle name?
4) single or taken?
-Single if you don't count Anime Characters :)
5) last person I texted?
-one of my good friends
6) last song I listened to?
-I'm not sure, but I do know I listen to a lot of nightcores— so... nightcore?
7) battery percent?
-15%. I should really start moving and get my Xbox out and set it up so I'll have motivation to actually charge my phone.
8) girl best friend?
-Tbh, I actually don't get along with girls that well. The ones I do I don't talk to often because of distance and time.
9) guy best friend?
-my guy best friend recent left me in the dust so ✌🏻
10) favorite OTP?
-my Main OTP's are;
>Tbh, I love Men X Men ships— they excite me. Though, I usually ship the normal... how do I put it? OTP's of any anime as long as I don't want the anime character for myself. For an example, The ship in Maid-Sama with Usui and Misaki. I don't really ship them because I want Usui for myself. 🥰 I can't help myself.
11) why I made my account?
-I'm not sure tbh. I think I downloaded it because at the time I was struggling with a lot of depression. When I get Depressed my mind races every second, so I used writing as a way to help deal with my depression. Wattpad was a much safer way to keep my stories hidden from other people than a notepad on a laptop 😂✌🏻
12) current lockscreen?
-Actually it's something I made after one of my friends sent me this meme 😂 credit to whoever came up with this 🥳

 Wattpad was a much safer way to keep my stories hidden from other people than a notepad on a laptop 😂✌🏻12) current lockscreen?-Actually it's something I made after one of my friends sent me this meme 😂 credit to whoever came up with this 🥳

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13) birthday?
-I was Born in June. Day= 11th

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