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"Sir, this is the fake city from our entrance exam." No dip.. "does that mean that we will be conducting urban battles again?"

Uncle Yagi pulls up a peace sign "not quite, I'm going to push you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it. Back-room deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise, you'll be split into team of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles"

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsuyu Asui says.

"The best training is what you get in the battlefield!" My eyes widened suddenly when I felt something run through my body- my ears closing out the noise around me.

What the hell..? My hand raises and goes over my chest- what was that overwhelming feeling that just coursed through my body..? "Listen up!" All Might says and it grabs my attention. "The situation is this. The villain has hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The hero's must try to foil their plans. To do that the good guys have to either catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the hero's." He throws a yellow box in the air, "time is limited, and we will choose teams by drawing lots!"

Once again something courses through my veins making me grab my head as I start to get dizzy. What the.. is it happening again.? I move my footing to make sure I won't tip over and fall.

When we picked lots I ended up being on team I, with Ojiro. "Hey partner" he says as he comes up to me, but I turn on my inconspicuous quirk. His eyes blinks a few times before looking around him, "wait what was I doing..?" My feet moved and I shuffled my way to Uncle Yagi-

"Young y/n?" He asks and I walk passed him holding my hand down, making my hand into a fist other then my pointer and thumb- making a Q sign in sign language. He nods my way and I head for the nursery. I didn't need that training anyways, but it would have been nice to see a bit more what everyone was capable of.

My feet continued to walk, this only happens when another quirks appear- meaning that someone out there just died. Over the years, after being found out by Aizawa, several times I have developed a quirk.

I make it to the nursery and opened the door, "grams" I say as I walk in. She seemed to be putting things together.

"Oh, y/n" She says and Another course of something runs through me, my eyes widened. "Y/n?" She says as she makes her way over to me quickly. "Oh my god you're on fire! Are you developing another quirk?"

"I-think so." I mumble and she helps me to a bed, laying me down.

"I'll call down Midnight and Aizawa. Just try to sleep" she asks and shuffles away to get the phone. Although, I wasnt able to get myself to relax and fall asleep. When Midnight arrived she takes me out with her quirk as soon as possible.


"Ugh.." I groan as I wake up suddenly, moving myself to get up. I was sweating, really bad. Since my body was born without a specific quirk in mind, my new quirks take a lot out of me- usually ending me coming down with a fever.

I look down at my right hand, my body was shaking. My eyes moved around the room until my eyes reached a body that sat up on a medical bed- looking down at his wrapped up arm. "Izuku?" I say a little surprised and his head turns to me. What did I miss while I was out?

"O-oh hi.." He says nervously as he looks away- a small tiny of pink touching his cheek. "You're That Fire girl, Y/n- the one who got in 19th place in that assessment exam." He states the obvious.

"I'm surprised you remember my first name" I say as I look around to see if anyone was in the room.

"I guess you could say I felt bad for not realizing you was in the class until after I threw my ball. Recovery girl also let me know what your name was as well so..."

"What happened while I was out?" I asked as I look at him. He seemed to be pretty beat.

"Kacchan definitely got the best of me" He laughs, mostly to himself though.

"Katsuki Huh?" I say as I lay back down, giving off a sigh. "I'd hate to be the one on the receiving end from him, but I'm starting to think he's holding something personal against me"

"Kachan acts like he holds something against everyone, so I doubt that is true.." he starts to mumble to himself, "why are you in here by the way? I thought I saw you right before the indoor battle- I was the first one to fight too."

"I felt... sick." I say as another course of power runs through me making me sit up straight. What is that.?

"Hey are you okay?" He asked and he moves out of the bed and head to me. "You look really pale."

"This is a lot worse then last time" now I'm the one mumbling.

"A lot worse then last time?" He asked and I shake my head no.

"It's alright- I'll be fine. I should be better by to-" my head starts to pound and I start to see images. Scary ones at that, they looked like nightmares. "What the fuck!" I yell as I grab my head.

Then it all stopped, my eyes opening and I look up. Aizawa stood at the door, holding the knob and using his erasing quirk on me. "Midoriya, What are you dong in here?" Aizawa calls out, but then he looks down at his arms and realized that izuku was hurt. "I advise you to leave, go down to the monitoring room with your friends and watch the rest of the battle" he instructs but Izuku just shook his head.

"I don't know if I can, Recovery girl specifically told me to stay here. Is something going on?" He asked and Midnight steps in the room as well as a familiar looking lady. Midnight uses her quirk to make Izuku fall asleep, making him fall forward on to my legs.

 Midnight uses her quirk to make Izuku fall asleep, making him fall forward on to my legs

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"Fortune" I say as she looks at me sweetly.

"Hello again y/n, I was told you developed new ones" she says as she comes in. She was a beautiful woman of the age of early 40's. Beautiful purple hair and navy blue eyes was something extremely breath taking. Aizawa still used his quirk on me as he grabs Izuku and lays him down on the medical bed next to me. "Have any insight for me?" She asked taking a seat next to me.

"Its a lot worse then last time" I say taking a deep breath, "I don't know what it is, but something is coursing though my body."

She pulls out her hand and I place my own on top of hers. She closes her eyes and we all stay silent, Aizawa letting go of my quirk- giving it back to me. nothing happened, I felt normal and there was no weird images popping up. "I see" she says as she gives me a nod. "You didn't develop only one quirk" she says as she looks at me. My eyes opened, what??

 My eyes opened, what??

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