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I sat on my bed quietly as my hands slowly pet Berry. He softly purred, enjoying the scratches which put a small little smile on my face. In my free hand I was releasing a small flame while I tried my hardest to get the black electrical sparks to go away.


"Y/n" Aizawa says as he places his hand on my shoulder. We sat inside of one of the facility rooms after he had removed me from the race. "Look at me please" He says and I move my head to look at him. I was fed up with myself. In the end, I wasnt even able to push myself to simply race.

Seeing the grief cover his face, I found myself looking away again. "Im sorry" I say shortly and he moves around, bending in front of me to meet with my eyes.

"Do not apologize" His voice was stern and the grief on his face was gone. Although, in its place was a frown and a look of anger. It seemed to soften as my vision became blurry. I hold back the tears. "I know youre so overwhelmed right now. There is so much going on, we all understand that, you know that right? You dont have to push yourself to be okay with everything thats going on. Its okay to take some time to yourself to wrap your head around everything" He looks at me and I found myself unable to reply. He lets out a small sigh as he stands up and quickly pulls me into a hug. My hands slowly move up and I wrap them around Aizawa's waist. "I know youre hurting..." His voice came out as a whisper, "But you need to stay strong. We are working hard to figure out whats going on. So," His hands go on my shoulder and he pulls back, "Please... stop pushing yourself so hard"


Berry pushes his head against my leg, purring loudly. Suddenly my head snaps up to a knock at my door, "Im coming in" I hear a familiar voice as the door opens. Ren walks inside with Romeo slowly following behind him.

"Ren. Romeo" I say as I couldnt even remember when was the last time I saw them. It had definitely been awhile. Ren closes the door as Romeo quickly moves across the room to hug me,

"big sis y/n!" He says as he hugs me tightly. I smile as I return the hug, Berry meowing from the lack of attention he was now recieving.

"Hi Romeo" I say as he pulls away and I move my hand on top of his head. Ren comes over and sits down on my bed and Berry slowly goes to him hoping he could find someone else to give him attention. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked as Romeo moves over to pet Berry.

"Romeo really wanted to see you. Midnight said you havent been feeling well so we've been pretty worried about you" Ren smiles at me and I look away, "Romeo kept asking her over and over to let us see you. She finally gave in"

"So youve been staying with midnight?" I asked and he shakes his head no,

"No, actually we have been staying with Present Mic but Midnight is the one who escorts us everywhere"

"About that.." I say and he tilts his head to the side in question, "Do you guys get escorted to school?"

"Yeah!" Romeo says happily, "Everyone thinks its extremely cool!" I smile at his excitement,

"Im not going to school right now. They are in the process of transferring me to one of the general study classes"

"You'll be going to UA?" I asked and He nods

"Nezu has it all set up. Im supposed to be starting in two days"

"Im sorry you have to leave your old school because of me" Ren laughs,

"It doesnt matter to me. I wasnt close to anyone in particular and I think its amazing that im going to get transferred into UA." He lifts his fist up and smiles brightly, "The best part is im going to be able to see my kid sister at school"

"You can come sit with my friends and I at lunch" I smile and he nods. Having Ren and Romeo here really lifted all the pain on my heart.

"thats not fair! I wanna eat with big sis y/n!" Romeo whines as he grabs my shirt and I laugh as I go to place my hand on his cheek. I look at Ren,

"Have you guys eaten yet?" I asked and Ren shakes his head no, "Aizawa is probably cooking because I havent eaten yet" My hand moves and I pinch Romeo's cheek, "So we can eat together tonight" Romeo cheers.

"Romeo" Ren says as Romeo looks over at him, "Go check when dinner is going to be ready" Romeo nods and quickly gets off the bed. He scurries out of the room, closing the door behind him. Ren looks over at me, his features has now turned serious. "How are you feeling?" Suddenly the pain that seemed to have been lifted from my heart suddenly crashes back down on my heart. This time it almost felt heavier than before.

"Im fine" I lie as I now seemed to be forcing a smile on my face,

"Ya know" He leans back to lay down on the bed. He stares up at the ceiling, "If I was you id be so destroyed. I mean, I know youre just trying to act like youre happy. I know even with that smile on your face, youre hurting a lot... but that takes guts, you know?" He laughs shortly, "I could never be able to sit in front of anyone and not break down. but,"

"Oh so there is a but" I say and he laughs at me. suddenly he stops and sits up, looking at me seriously,

"It doesnt hurt to show people how you feel. If anything, acting like youre okay when you shouldnt be worries people." He hums slightly as he thought for a second. "Say Romeo died" I nod, not understanding where this was going, "we go to his funeral and while everyone is upset, I sit there and act like everything is okay. How would you feel?"

"Upset" I instantly say and he smiles

"Exactly!" He points finger guns at me while he smiles but I look at him in confusion, "The point is you understand how everyone around you feels. when youre upset and overwhelmed with sadness, you tend to find yourself engulfed with yourself especially if you are trying to force yourself to act the opposite of how you feel. When youre so busy trying to be happy, which is the opposite of how you feel, you cant really see that everyone else around you is only getting upset watching you"

"Im sorry-" He cuts me off quickly,

"Dont apologize" He says and I he gives me a big smile before placing his hand on top of my head, "We understand youre going through a lot and this is just how youre coping with it." He pauses as he looks around my room, "Midnight told me how you have been out of it and its gotten to the point you cant even participate in class activities. so everyone is on edge because everyone cant help but worry about you. I just wanted you to know that we are all here for you, okay?" I nod at his words. Ren's words somewhat made me feel better and I realized that I need to get a hold of myself. I was lucky compared to others. I had other quirks so loosing one quirk didnt make me quirkless like it would have done to everyone else. "Sorry, I feel like i lectured you more than trying to help you feel better" He awkwardly laughs, "I just want you to rely on us. Its why we are here"

"Thanks Ren" I nod as I knew what to do next. It was time to get a grip.


I keep writing more chapters for Plunderer

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I keep writing more chapters for Plunderer. I cant control myself. SO, here you go <3! Hoping you are all having an amazing day and summer (Im pretty sure everyone should have started summer by now????.... correct me if im wrong)


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