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Aizawa sat in front of a computer, a sigh escaping his lips as he scrolled through many of the draft forms that was coming through already. "Y/n" he spoke which made my head perk up from where I sat, he tossed his house keys at me and nod, "head home without me tonight. I'll be home in a few hours"

"Are you sure? I can wait." I say and he shakes his head.

"Berry May not have food and it's getting late, you as well need to get something to eat. Just be safe on the walk home." As he spoke I stood up and nod, shoving the keys in the pocket of my jacket.

"Okay. I'll cook dinner, if you come home late it will be in the fridge" he nods and I turn my heels and walk out. I thought back to what Aizawa and I talked about when it came to drafting.


"What are you doing?" I asked as I came up behind my father and looked at the computer screen.

"Drafting forms. we have to organize it." He responds as he didn't bother to look at me.

"What are they for?" I asked in curiosity.

"It's for heroes to recruit the first years" he looks at me for a second and then goes to the computer and opens a file. "Even though you ended up backing out in the Calvary Battle, you got quite a lot" He scrolls through the file showing me. "I talked to Nezu and we've decided it would be best if you didn't participate in this, even if it's important. With your quirk and your memories becoming an issue, it would be safer if you stayed here in UA with us instead of traveling out."

"That's fine with me" I admit nodding my head, "I don't think I would have liked picking a draft anyways and that means I'd be away from my family- yeah no thanks."


I let out a little sigh as I made my way out of the front doors of UA, even though I said that- I did feel really bad. I couldn't go and enjoy what the rest was going to do because of my quirk and the fact my memories are coming back, piece by piece.

My feet stopped when I noticed someone standing before me, instantly I realized who it was- the man who started the ruckus when it was Katsuki and Uraraka's fight. "I don't have time for pathetic people" I comment as I began walking, hoping that would be enough to make the man to leave me alone. I tried even lacing my words with venom as a way to show he should be scared of me.

Oh how stupid I was. He cracked his finger as he stomped his foot on the ground and came at me with full speed- I was taken by surprise and didn't have enough time to react before his fist came in contact with my stomach.

"I'll show a little kid like you to not embarrass me ever again!" He barked out, his punch sent me flying backwards and hitting the ground with a large banging sound.

For some reason my lips cracked a smile as I chuckled devilishly- "that's the best you got?" I say as I sit up, wiping my lips which blood trickled out of- making it rub across my chin. "That tickled"

His eyebrows twitched in annoyance as he stood straight and raised his hand, several other guys coming out of nowhere.

"Oh dear" I say with a fake gasp, my body forcing itself to stand up. "One against 7, wow you guys sure are men- all up against one girl too!" I wipe my eyes as if I was crying, "that's too bad" three of the guys dart my way without another word- seeing it more clearly I was able to dodge it.

Using my black flames I shot it at them, making them jump away from it. I could see two guys as they looked at each other, one with black dark hair giving off a nod as he looked at me. Suddenly I felt weaker, more tired. What is this?! The flame that was held in my hand died down into a tiny flame.

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