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-y/n pov-
{Dream? Nightmare? Flashback?}

My eyes open to see a small little girl standing straight in a bright white room. Her dark black wings and (h/l) (h/c) hair barely noticeable behind it. I could instantly recognize it as myself in my younger years.

I walk forward to reach out to her but I stop when her head turns to me. Her eyes were dull and so... empty. Suddenly she backs away from me in defense, she had a perfect fighting stance. "W-wait! Im not here to hurt you! We are the same person!" I say as I raised my hands up. I knew this wasnt real but I couldnt help but want to mistake this for being real. I could even barely say that girl was even me with that look on her face.

"You are not me. You are the temporary holder" She says quietly and I looked at her in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I say as I was confused,

"You are not me. You are the temporary holder." She repeats and I shake my head no,

"We are the same-" I tried speaking out but she instantly cuts me off.

"No we arent!" She screamed and I was startled by her sudden out roar. Suddenly the white around us began to slightly darken to a light medium grey. "Master wouldnt approve of someone like you! We are not the same!" My eyes widened as a aura surrounded the younger me. It was dark and extremely scary. Her defense drops as her eyes shine for the first time, but it shined with hate. Her head tilted to the side as she smiles, "I cant wait until I gobble you whole,"

I take a step back in fear as her voice was laced with so much venom that I felt almost something piercing my chest. I seem to run into something, like a wall, making me turn around quickly. Behind me was nothing but a pitch black darkness and when I turned my head to see if younger me was still there, I see she was no longer there. Darkness took her place as it seemed the whole setting around me has changed now.

After that threat from someone who was literally me, my heart was pounding extremely fast. I was scared. I was so scared. Suddenly something shines off to my left, making me turn my head. It wasnt extremely bright, but fear took over me and I began running to the light.

As I ran the light, it became brighter and brighter. Eventually I see black figures hanging in the light. My eyes widened as I also see the large chains everywhere around it. The chains was what held the two figures in the air as it seemed to lock them in place. The chains were large and connected to the endless depths of walls, ground, and ceiling, despite the whole area being white. The chains were a deep color of grey which made it easy to see the difference between the chain and the figures.

My pace slowed as I noticed one of the figures. I could instantly tell it was a small child similar to what I had seen not that long ago. The child body also had predominant black large wings which were impaled by the grey chains as her body hung lifeless. It wasnt until I got a better look at the second figure that I suddenly stopped

"KUROKO!" I screamed as I took in the dark shadowy figure. I could just tell by the shape of him that it was him as he hung there lifeless just like the child figure next to him. He doesnt respond as I run quickly to the chains and began to pull them. The chains were much larger than my hand, meaning if I tried, I might be able to climb up to them. They were both relatively close to each other, so if I got close enough, I should be able to get them both down. "Kuroko! Respond to me!" I yell again as I looked between them. "What the hell is this place? Is this within me?" I began to move and I grab on to the chains, forcing myself to attempt to climb them. "Hello!? Respond to me please! Im begging you!" I say as I began to climb over to Kuroko.

Suddenly my head turns as I sensed something coming at me. My eyes widened as I see the wave of electric come at me as it traveled through the chain. I couldnt react fast enough and it electrocutes me, making me loose my grip and falling down. I hit the ground hard but I couldnt even feel the pain from the impact. The only thing I could feel was that shock that was pulsing through me, "Dont do something like that" the voice of that other me, it was the one who threatened me, spoke. Another shock goes through me and I scream in pain, "Master would get extremely angry if you let free of either of those too early in the game"

"W-who the hell are you!?" I say as I roll and try to get myself up. My head turns to the girl, who was supposed to me be, walks over. I could smell the bloody scent that flew off of her as she stops next to me. Maybe they were right, we arent the same person. I mean she was calling me a temporary holder. Maybe they were taking form as me, but then, who are they?

Her hand raises as electric forms in her hand. Suddenly my eyes widened, is this the electric quirk fused with that soul!? "Master is angry you set foot here. Go back to where you belong" She says as her hand reaches down to my head with lightening speed. Another wave of shock goes through me, way intense compared to before, as her hand grabs my head. Then everything went dark.



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Okay, first off, how did I do this AGAIN? Its like- I CAN NEVER GET MY DAYS RIGHT? all well-

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Okay, first off, how did I do this AGAIN? Its like- I CAN NEVER GET MY DAYS RIGHT? all well-

Hey guys (: how are you guys doing today? Hopefully good hehe <3 as for me, im okay. Im living I guess, kinda like an empty boat floating in the ocean, allowing the wind be the factor of where I go. Im starting to run out of Plunderer chapters as I havent been writing chapters for it- so- imma either extend the upload schedule or find time to write some chapters. I mean- I still have over a month worth of chapters to post with the current schedule. I just dont want to write two stories at once and somehow mix up the plot. So- im trying to finish the other story before coming back to Plunderer. BUT DONT WORRY- the schedule of posting every 3 days is still the current schedule. IT MAY CHANGE NEXT MONTH THO.

Anyways, I dont know what else to say. I love you. Youre cool. Youre amazing. Lets go out to e a t for that ME A T. OH - shit. I forgot the end card lmao.


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There we go- anyways- LIKE ALWAYS

Please have a good day!! <3

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