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[Location: Park]

I stood on a tree branch looking through the leaves for Izuku, unfortunately I didn't find his familiar face. Actually I ended up finding two familiar set of hair hiding their way behind a bush. I crouch down and touch my hand on the tree, using my Vibration hearing quirk to listen in on their conversation. It was a little hazy because they were pretty far from me, but I could make out what they were saying.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? Iida asked.

"I don't know!! Izuku seemed pretty worried about it, I'm just worried!" Uraraka says back; I also hear a few footsteps off to the right of them- which makes me open my eyes and look over. Izuku stood by the playground and looked around.

I jump out of the tree and head over to Izuku; it was only 4:40 and even though I was looking for him, I didn't expect him to come this early. "You're pretty early" I say as I come up behind him, I could see his skin jump. He wore a plain black hoodie with a green interior and a pair of jeans.

"You scared me" he let out a breath as he turned around. Holding the notebook I asked him to bring and a pen. "You're here pretty early as well" He shoots back at me and I let out a laugh.

"You caught me" I say as I smile at him, moving to the playground and sitting down on a spring rider and he sits down on the small steps of the metal that you used to get up to the different slides.

"You asked me to bring my note book- why?" He seemed more relax now as he set down the book and looked at me.

I move my feet and tap it on the ground, sending a vibration wave over to Iida and Uraraka and anyone else who was around us; it will only temporarily make it harder to hear. I don't want anyone listening in. "I wanted to first apologize about saying what I said yesterday"

"It's alright; you don't have to apologize" He says and he shakes his hands in the air.

"I still feel really bad about it. So I thought long and hard how I could repay you back. I remembered you enjoy writing down in your notebook about quirks"

"Yeah, I do. How would you know that though?" He says as he grabs the book and opens it up, flipping through the pages.

"Like I said yesterday, we went to school together. I always watched Katsuki and you from afar; I couldn't really help myself" I say with a small laugh and I could see his cheeks turn pink. "I have a quirk that is the first in the world: documented at least" I say and his eyes widened.

"Wait? Isn't your quirk fire though?" He asked as he opens his book and gets ready to write stuff down.

"Actually my quirk is called Plunder" I speak and he nods; writing it down.

"I have no idea what that means, is it some kind of special fire quirk?"

"No, it's actually a quirk where I can steal other people's quirks" I say and he looks up at me surprised.

"You can take other people's quirks?!" His eyes sparkled, "Wow that's so cool! Definitely a strong quirk!"

"It is pretty strong but also pretty disgusting" I say as I look down, "and sad." He looks up at me with a raised brow. "I kind of want to tell the backstory so you don't get too disgusted by me"

"I wouldnt get disgusted either way, but go ahead."

"Seven years ago is all I can remember. Anything from when I was born, my parents, how developing my quirk went, or anything else before the age of 7 was all lost." He watches me slowly, listening to every word I said. "From when I developed my quirk to the time I was found here in this park that night; I was forced to drink blood of thousands of people."

"Drink blood..?"

"For my quirk to work you have to drink enough blood for my body to look at the blood and replicate the DNA of the quirk. Only after the person dies though, is when the quirk gets transferred over to me" his eyes widened, but his hands moved as he wrote. "That's why I was in the nursery yesterday; 3 people died who I've drank the blood of when I was little. I ended up developing 3 quirks yesterday and developing quirks take a lot out of my body."

"That's why you was so tired yesterday" izuku states and I shake my head.

"Actually- Recovery girl only healed your enough where you wouldn't be out of it and tired. I have a healing quirk as well- it effects the user and not the used. So I spent the next hour after you got knocked out and healed it the rest of the way. The 3 quirks and then healing you is what got to me" I laughed and he looks at me.

"Thanks" He says with a smile and I smile back at him.

"Don't mention it. It did take a long time to heal- I'm only use to healing myself so I enjoyed healing you: it was great practice"

"Mind if I ask what your quirks are?" He says and I laugh at him.

"Only if you make sure no one knows that Plunder is my quirk. Principal Nezu said it would be better off if I said my quirk was just black fire until people are comfortable with me. If people knew I could steal quirks, it might cause fear throughout the school"

"Of course"

"Well. If we are going to talk about all of my quirks how about we head to UA and go to the training grounds?"

"Wouldn't that be breaking and entering?" I laugh and shook my head.

"They have a specific training ground that's free for anyone to use." He nods at me. "Let's go then!" I say as I get up and started walking off. He scrambles to get his stuff and followed after me.

[No POV]

Iida shake the small gravity girl who laid on the ground passed out. "Uraraka!" He says and she lets out a mumble.

"Iida...? What happened?" She asked in a confused tone as she stirs and pushes herself off the ground.

"I don't know. One second we were- we were here and then that noise came through my ears. I just woke up on the ground."

"What about Deku?" Uraraka says worriedly as she looks around, her eyes reaching the park where she last saw him. He was gone and so was y/n. "He's gone."

"Maybe he went home?" Iida asked and Uraraka looks at Iida worriedly.

"I hope so."


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