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"Wow this place is pretty big" he says as we walk inside the indoor training grounds. It wasn't exactly off limits like I said; but students shouldn't be here in the afternoon. That was because I used this place a lot after UA was let out and so they made it where UA students couldn't use it without permission.

"Yeah. I know" I say as I walk to the middle. It was an empty room and had a pretty high ceiling. "First quirk First" I say as I lift my right hand, a black flame appearing. "Black Fire" I shoot it up in the air, "I'm able to manipulate pre-existing fire and create my own black flame at Will. Unfortunately I have a hard time using it because I've never really used it before coming to UA" his hands moves as it runs across the paper. "It's also the quirk Everyone is suppose to know that I have. The only quirk I'm allowed to use currently; physically seen though"

I let go of my fire and rub my hand against my shirt, it slightly stung from the fire but it wasn't as bad as last time. "Next is healing. I'm able to heal others and myself but it takes a lot of energy."

I move off to the side and take off my shirt- leaving a tank top under it. His face begins to turn red but goes away while his face is full of shock when I grow wings. "Black wings?!" He says as he looks at me surprised.

"It's called Fallen Angel" I move over to him and turn my back to him, "it's real feathers as well, you can touch" I feel his hand brush up against my wings and I shiver at the touch. "It gives me the ability to grow wings and fly. The first time left a nasty scar in my back but at least it doesn't hurt to grow the wings anymore"

"That's incredible" He says as he continued to touch my wings,

"Yeah and after I bring them out it takes about an hour for them to go away." I say as then I move away from him, giving him a smile while I twist around. "I have a quirk also called inconspicuous; where I'm able to make myself be unnoticeable unless you know I exist. That's why you haven't noticed me much before, I always used inconspicuous. But like I said; it doesn't work on people who know of my existence."

"Inconspicuous.." he mumbles and continues to write.

"I have another quirk called Vibration Hearing. I am able to listen in on conversations though vibrations- and I'm able to send out vibrations to cancel out hearing. They have to be in a certain radius though and same with listening in." I then take a seat on the ground, "I also have several other quirks; but those are the ones I use the most. Want to know about the other ones?"

"Yes please!"

"These next ones I can't demonstrate very well. For instant I have a quirk called super serpentine"

"Snakes?" He asked in questioned and I let out a laugh.

"I thought that as well, but actually it makes me immune to long range weapons; like guns. But I'm only immune when I'm moving at my fastest, and if I do get hit, I'll obviously be immune but it will leave a mark on me like I was burned. Which will go away after some healing. Next is Reading Judgement; which I honestly enjoy as my favorite passing time is reading. I'm able to read a title of a book and be able to tell if it's a good book based off of my favorite types of genres. Then you have bubble. This quirk is kind of like entertainment only use. I'm able to create bubbles out of any liquid. They will pop if touched of course and I can't make them very large."

"Such a verity Of quirks.."

"I have another quirk called Locksmith. I'm able to unlock locks with my mind as long as I know the shape of the key of the lock or if I know the combination. Then you have my favorite, Fat Burner. I'm able to eat as much as I want without gaining much weight. It's why I'm so thin- but that also means that the food bill is pretty High because I have to eat a lot to stay at least close to normal weight for my age." I then get up and motion him to follow me, "come out side with me; it's late and no one should be out here so I think we will be fine" he nods and gets up, following after me.

"The last three quirks are the ones I developed yesterday. I was working with them last night but honestly it's hard figuring out how to use quirks without some guidance." He sits down on the ground as I stood in front of him. I raised my right hand, making a small pebble like rock, float and fly to me- catching it in my hand and holding it up to him. "Telekinesis: Pebble. I'm able to use Telekinesis on rocks that are the size of this. It could be useful, but I'm not sure how."

He holds his hand up and I throw it at him, he perfectly catches it and looks at it. "If I'm holding it can you take it away from me?" He asked and I shrug- I attempt but he still held it in his hand. "I felt the pull" He says and the He takes the rock and sets it down next to him.

"Next is shadow. I still don't know how to use it properly. All I know is I can use my own shadow as a clone. I just haven't figured it out. Lastly is Nightmare. I'm able to give people nightmares but they have to be sleeping. Though I know I'll never have any use for it" I say as I move and sit next to Izuku. "There is a last one but I'm not sure what it is, or if it's a quirk. So I'm not really sure what to tell you about it" I say and he smiles.

"This is plenty enough. Thank you for telling me all of this" he says and I laugh.

"It's for spitting out your secret like that. Now you know mine. But promise you won't tell anyone" I say and he nods.

"Your secret is safe with me"

"Your secret is safe with me"

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