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-Y/n pov-

(A/n from the future: When you forget you told Iida everything so you end your entire writing career. Yeh same.)

"Y/n, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Iida" Aizawa says after the bell rings for lunch. My head shoots up to look at him even though I already knew what was coming. "Come with me. This should only take a few minutes" He says as he stands at the door as some of our classmates were giving each one of us a weird look.

We follow Aizawa down the hall and into a room. He opens the door and we all go inside. My eyes widened when I see Ren sitting down in a chair next to Gramps. I've been in this room a few times, it was actually the meeting room. It was a plain basic room with a large oval shaped table, which was surrounded with a bunch of chairs. "Ren" I say as I go over to him and he stands up with a smile. His hand lifts up to ruffle up my hair,

"Hey y/n" he says as I was happy to see him.

"Please go ahead and take a seat down" Gramps says as Katsuki, Todoroki, and Iida sit down. I take a seat next to Ren as Aizawa shuts the door to the room. "Now you may be wondering why you were called here" He says looking at the group of boys,

"Yes, I am slightly confused" Iida says and Gramps nod,

"I have gathered you three here to give an explanation that I know two of you have been dying to hear" Gramps says as he looks at Katsuki and Todoroki.

"And explanation?" Iida asked as he looked over at me, it seemed he realized what this was about after looking at me, "I see"

"Yes, this is regarding Y/n"

"Fucking finally" Katsuki growls as he glares at me and I slightly sweat drop,

"Ah, I get it now" Todoroki says as he nods,

"As we know so far, you three are the only ones who have noticed some discrepancy with Y/n" Gramps started and Iida nods, pushing up his glasses.

"Yeah, what the hell was with that electric shit?" Katsuki asked,

"You as well?" Iida asked and Katsuki nods,

"Y/n," Gramps turns his head to me, "Would you like to explain?"

I nod slowly, slightly unsure how to explain it, "Well... My quirk isnt actually a fire quirk" I say and Iida's eyes are the only one that widens from the news.

"I figured that much" Katsuki says and Todoroki nods, agreeing with Katsuki.

"My real quirk is called Plunder" I say and they all looked at me confused, "To put it simply, im able to steal quirks" Suddenly Katsuki's and Todoroki's eyes widened. I raise my hands in the air quickly, "Dont worry! I cant take quirks from you guys without meeting some pretty horrid conditions. There is no way I could steal your quirks"

"So you have more than one quirk?" Iida asked and I nod,

"I have 18-" I paused for a second, "Sorry, 17 quirks so far" (A/n: Ill list them all at the end of the chapter if youre interested in knowing which ones you have so far)

"What exactly are these conditions?" Todoroki asked and Aizawa steps over,

"The conditions dont matter right now" He says and Gramps raised his paw,

"The conditions of stealing quirks are very horrid and so, until Y/n feels comfortable, we wont be telling you" Gramps explains and Todoroki nods,

"If you dont mind me asking, but why only tell us?" Iida asks

"We are slowly easing the information out. Since you three are the only ones who have noticed anything major and began getting suspicious. We decided to start with you first." Gramp explains, they all seemed to nod in understanding. "For now, I'd like if you three kept this information to yourself until we get to the other students of class 1-A." Gramps places his paws together as he smiles, "That should be the end of this small meeting unless any of you have questions"

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