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"So you start your special course today?" Izuku asked as he stood next to my desk.

"Special course?" Todoroki asked as he stood in front of my desk. I nod my head,

"Yeah. UA has put me in a special training course due to my... quirk" I say the ending quietly. "Im not sure what class im being pulled from but im excited!" I beam and Izuku smiles,

"Your elder brother is supposed to be your mentor, right?"

"Yep!" I say as I look at Izuku. I make a small fist, "I dont know what his quirk is yet as I havent asked him. But gr- Principal Nezu talks so highly of him. I just cant help but be excited!"

"You dont know what your elder brother's quirk is?" Izuku and Todoroki asked in sync. I found myself slouching and let out an embarrassed sigh,

"Um, yeah, I dont" I rub the back of my neck, "I guess thats pretty bad"

"Well I figured he may have a quirk similar to yours" Todoroki speaks up and I shake my head no,

"No he definitely has a different quirk compared to mine" I say and my head turns to the door opening, Izuku and Todoroki quickly made it to their seats as Aizawa walks inside.

I was glad in a way. Since a few days ago Todoroki has gotten really comfortable around our group. As in our group, i mean Uraraka, Iida, Izuku, and myself of course. It was nice to have another person around us.

Aizawa does a simple role call and classes began shortly after he left. It wasnt until English rolled around that Aizawa stepped back into the room. Cementoss doesnt draw attention to the fact I was getting up and leaving but it didnt stop from my classmates watching me as I left.

Aizawa takes me out to the same courtyard I had taken Izuku when I had explained my quirk to him. Midnight and Ren were already there. I could see Ren warming up as Midnight stood in the shade of the building. When Ren looks up he smiles brightly, "Wassup baby sis!" Ren waves his arm as I make my way over.

"Hey Ren-Sensei" I smile as Aizawa makes his way next to Midnight, "So how is this going to work?"

"Oh wow~ I like the ring of Ren-Sensei!" Ren says excitedly but his face changes into a serious one. "First off, I want you to warm up" He stated with a serious tone and I felt a shiver go down my spine. What was with the sudden tone change? "We will only be doing simple stretches. It should help you with training as we will more likely focus our training on sparring and forcing yourself to surpass limits with your quirk" I nod as he began showing me several stretches and I did my best to follow him. "So what kind of quirks do you currently own?"

"Well, currently I own 17" I state and he nods, waiting for me to further explain, "

1. Black Fire- A normal fire quirk but instead of red flames the user produced black flames.
2. Healing- This quirk is a normal run of the mill healing quirk. This allows the user to heal themselves and others. This quirk effects the user and healing tends to take much longer compared to recovery girl's healing.
3. Fallen Angel- This quirk was originally a mutant quirk (A quirk that is apart of the user physically). Since it was stolen, fallen angel allows the the user to sprout large black wings out of their back.
4. Inconspicuous- This quirk allows the user to become unnoticeable by people/things that are aware of her to begin with. Although, this quirk wont work if someone touches the user, draws attention to the user, or has become familiar with the user's presence before quirk is activated.
5. Vibration hearing- This quirk allows the user to send out vibrations from their body which moves across objects. This quirk is also used to be able to listen into conversations based of the vibrations released by speaking.
6. Super serpentine- This quirk allows the user to be totally immune to bullets and other raged weapons as long as they are actively running or dodging.
7. Reading Judgement- This quirk allows the user to read the title of a book and instantly know if the book (or movie) is good. (fits within users wants/needs)
8. Bubble- This quirk allows the user to create small bubbles with any liquid. This is mostly used for entertaining children.
9. Locksmith- This quirk allows the user to unlock any door (That involves some kind of key of some sort) as long as the user knows the shape of the key for the lock.
10. Fat burner- This quirk boosts the user's metabolism which forces the user to be able to consume a heavy amount of food without gaining weight and giving the user energy quicker than normal.
11. Telekinesis: Pebble- This quirk allows the user to be able to float up any pebble/rocks the size of their pinky nail.
12. Nightmare- This quirk allows the user to be able to put someone (who is sleeping) in a nightmare of the user's choice.
13. Language- This quirk allows the user to be able to speak and understand any language.
14. Cloud Control- This quirk allows the user to have power to move and shift the clouds in the air. This is mostly used for creating diversions of fog.
15. Self analyze- This quirk allows the user to identify quirks but only on themselves. (A/n: Not gonna lie, this quirk would be useless for any other character. How sad)
16. Fire Breath- This quirk allows the user to be able to breathe out fire from their mouth.
17. Fire Protection- This quirk allows the user to grant themselves or another person a protection from any fire damage for a total of 5 minutes.
18. (FORMALLY) Shadow- This quirk allows the user to hide within shadows. This quirk can also be used (advance) to create a shadowy clone.

" (a/n: Yes this is the copied version from a few chapters ago. This is just for people who are curious and I dont want to write a big paragraph explaining it again)

"Thats a lot of quirks" Ren says and I nod, "Based on the information in that book, you have no limit on how many quirks you can have. It did say once you start using at least 5 quirks all at once and/or dont give your body a small break from the different quirks, you'll start getting sickness side effects." He seems to be lost in thought as we finished stretching. "In the future we can do our best to look into that but for now we should focus on your stronger quirks. based on what you told me, your stronger quirk right now is either Black Fire or Vibration hearing." He walks in front of me and holds out his hand, "Show me both of them" He instructs and I nod,

I lift my hand up and make a fire in the palm of my hand. "Like this?" I ask and he nods,

"Can you make it bigger? Hotter?" He asked as he moves his hand close to the fire,

"I can make it bigger and hotter... but I dont have much control on doing that. Also if I make it too hot then it will begin to burn my skin" He nods as his hand touches the flame. His hand jolts back as he hisses,

"Is it burning your hand now?" He asked and I shake my head no, "okay, that should be enough. Try your vibration quirk" I back off from him as distance was a huge deal breaker when it came to using Vibration Hearing. After I put a bigger distance between us, I tap the ground and send a vibration through the ground. I did my best to go light but Ren still winces as he moves his hands to his ears.

"Ren, are you okay?!" I say as I rush over and he lifts his hand, making me stop in my tracks.

"Im okay. It didnt hurt that much. If anything, it was more uncomfortable" He says and I let out a sigh of relief. He smiles at me, "Like I expected, they seem to be good candidates for being your strongest quirks. Lets run through the rest, shall we?" He says and I nod,

"Sure, which one do you want me to do next?"


🤩🤩 here is another chapter! Look forward to at least 2-3 more chapters to be posted!

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🤩🤩 here is another chapter! Look forward to at least 2-3 more chapters to be posted!

Also I haven't proof read any of these chapters, so if you see any grammar mistakes or misspells- please let me know! ❤️

Once again, I love all of you! Have an amazing day!

A/n: it's very fitting that I'm eating shrimp right now because of the end card

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