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When I reached the location sent to me by Izuku, no one was left at the scene. Even though there was no one here, a certain half n' half left his presence. I wasn't sure what to do at that moment, mostly because now I was having self conflict over the whole Villain thing.

In the end I ended up finding myself sitting on a roof, waiting for anything; a call, a text, anyrhing- from anyone.

Sitting there, completely lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't realized how much time went by. "Why hasn't anyone called me?" I mumbled as I moved over to the call and called Izuku.

It rang once, twice, then someone picked up. "Hello?" Izuku voice could be heard.

"Hey, are you okay? Where are you?" I asked shortly and Izuku mumbles.

"I think I'm at the Hosu General Hospital, also, yes I'm fine" heading that made me instantly stand up as I began to walk across roof tops to the hospital.

"I got your text. I was so so worried. I know you aren't the type of person to send their location without a reason" I spoke and then I stopped for a second. "Is todoroki okay?"

"Todoroki? Yeah, he's getting some stitches right now" my eyes widened.

"Stitches? What happened"

"A lot actually. I was on the train with Grand Trino when we was suddenly attacked by a Nomu. I went out to go help and ended up finding myself in the main city, where the agency that Iida was interning with was actually looking for him. Things started to connect; he came here for the Hero killer and so I aromatically assumes that he most likely ran into the Hero killer while looking for him. I'm glad I assumed that because when I did I quickly went to look for him, and found him just in time before the Hero killer got him. Todoroki came and found us and helped out until Pro-heroes came"

"That sounds like a lot. Is Iida okay?" I asked and there was a pause

"I think so, I think he's going to get some serious stitching right now. He was a lot more banged up then me and Todoroki"

"Well I'm glad you guys are going to be okay" there was a silence.

"Y/n?" Izuku asked suddenly as I walked, I could see the hospital not that far away

"Yes?" I say as I make my way down on the ground, retracting my wings.

"I don't know if this is the right time to ask, but did something happen?"

"Of course not"


When I finally made it to the hosu General Hospital I begged the desk lady to let me see them, but the woman at the front desk refused me. "Visiting hours are over and from the data your friends are still being patched up. You'll have to wait until tomorrow, is there anyone I can call to pick you up?"

"No, please" I beg the lady again, "please just let me see them"

"I can't have you disturbing them, you'll have to wait for the morning" she repeats herself and I find myself getting angrier. I hold my breath before I snapped.

"Please" I mumble and she sighs, shaking her head again. I back up away from the desk and make my way out of the hospital, I couldn't believe they wouldn't let me see them. As I walked down the street I had no choice but to head back home. I hoped that I wouldn't be caught sneaking inside. That's when my feet stops, a certain familiar numbing overcoming my body. Before I knew it, everything went dark.

After the darkness hit I felt my eyes shoot open. I instantly felt empty. If anything, I felt like I was going to throw up. When my eyes connect I noticed I was inside of my bedroom, making me waver up and look around.

Looking down, I was in different clothing from what I remembered. "Was it.. a dream?" I mumbled  as I rubbed the side of my arm, slowly rubbing it to keep peace with myself. The tips of my fingers felt numb and cold against my skin. My body groggily gets out of my bed as I couldn't shake the dream. My hands move over to the nightstand to grab my phone, but there wasn't a small black phone on my nightstand. I remove my blanket and looked both high and low for it. I couldn't find it anywhere.

I make my way to my bathroom, once again looking for my phone as I brushed my teeth and tried to fix my bedhead hair. When I made it out to the living room, I again was looking for my phone once again.

"What are you looking for?" Aziawa asks as he walks in, dressed in his usual outfit.

"My phone, I can't find it" I say as I quickly lift my hand to grab the incoming phone from aziawa.

"Call it then" he says as I catch his phone, which first off was crazy he even threw it, and dial my number. I walk around the house and I can't find it. I couldn't hear nothing, not even a soft buzz as my phone might have accidentally switched to vibrate only. "Nothing?" He questioned and I nod, letting out a sigh. "I'm heading to the school to finish up some stuff, do you want to look for it at Ua?" He asked

"Maybe Kuroko knows" I say as I instantly freeze. My hand reaches up to my chest as I instantly feel his presence gone.

"What's wrong?" Aziawa says as he probably sees the look of devastation across my face. He moves to me quickly putting his hands on my shoulders.

"K-Kuroko.. he's gone."


It may only be 9 on a Friday but I decided that posting the chapter now would be easier for me. I'll be busy and probably won't be able to get the chapter out tomorrow until late at night. So here you go.

Also sorry about Kuroko, for people who loved him, I will bring him back. Maybe.. (I will, don't leave me)

I hope you guys have a fun time watching the 3rd ep of BNHA tomorrow on Saturday! Love you all! 💕💕

Also we are currently running #2 on the #todoroki tag!

Also we are currently running #2 on the #todoroki tag!

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