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-pov change-

"Crap I can't believe I really forgot my shoes" Uraraka says as Asui and Mina we're walking with her, "thank you guys for coming back with me!"

"It's no problem!" Mina says in a cheer,

"I don't mind, Ribbit" Asui speaks. They walk inside and grab Uraraka's shoes before heading back.

"Well since we ended up missing our train how about we go to the shop down the hill?" Mina asked and Uraraka nods with happiness.

"THATS WRONG!" They all jump to the noise of Bakugo yelling.

"What's that..?" Asui started,

"Bakugo?" Uraraka asked and they all looked at each other. They began moving to check out what exactly was going on.

"I said you need to stop holding your breath!" Bakugo yells again. Asui, Mina, and Uraraka pops their head out off the side of the building to see what Bakugo was screaming at. Their eyes widened when they see Y/n standing there with a fighting stance up against bakugo.

"Are they fighting?" Uraraka asked,

"Do you not know how to breathe!?" Bakugo continued and Y/n just stands there taking it. Her face becomes determined,

"I won't let it happen again!" Y/n yells back and he nods, going back into stance.

"Now again!" He barks and y/n comes at bakugo.

"It looks like they are training" Mina says as she watches,

"That's surprising. To think Bakugo would spend his time training with someone, ribbit. I figured he'd be someone who though training was a waste of time" Asui says,

"Well I though Bakugo didn't really like any of us. So I guess I'm pretty surprised too" Uraraka says,

"Why are they still here anyways?" Asui asked and the other two shrugs,

"Y/n has told me she stays after-school to train. I guess Bakugo stayed back to help her" Uraraka says and Asui rolls her eyes,

"Is help even in Bakugo's dictionary? Ribbit" asui says and Mina laughs,

"They look really good together, don't cha think?" Mina beams and the other two girls nod.

-y/n pov-

"Sorry this turned into a training session more than a spar like you wanted" I say to Katsuki as we were both gulping down water. We had trained for about an hour and a half.

"It isn't fun beating pathetic losers" katsuki grumbles and I let out a giggle.

"I really appreciated it though. I got pretty beaten up last time and training got suspended until Saturday" I say and he rolls his eyes. I clap my hands together in excitement, "can you come with me to the mall?"

"Why should I?" He speaks even though his body was moving next to me, meaning he was agreeing to come with me.

"I'm unable to leave campus without someone. I already asked if you could take me and it was approved" I say as he walks past me and I turn to follow him.

"Surprising" he says as we walked to the entrance to leave. "If UA cares that much about your safety, why would they allow another student to be your" he raised his hands to make quotation marks, "escort"

"Well, you're the strongest in our class" I say as I look over at him and he turns his head slightly to look at me, "and I practically begged Aizawa to allow it. Which reminds me," we step out of the gates of UA and began walking down the hill, "he told me that-"

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