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"You suck!" katsuki yelled.

"The two leaders are putting distance between them and the students stuck at the fall! It hasn't been announced how many competitors will make it though to the next round, so there is no time to relax." Todoroki finally stopped ahead of me, what is making him hesitate? "And now, we are finally approaching the last obstacle. Everyone had better tread carefully. You're stepping into a minefield. If you look carefully where those little bombs are buried, so keep your eyes on the ground, folks." Landmines!? Are they trying to kill us?! "By the way, those land mines were designed for the games, so they might be loud and flashy, but, they are not all that powerful. Just enough to make you wet your pants!"

I sighed in relief as I now knew that my arms wouldn't fly off if I stepped on one of those. "Get a hold of yourself" aizawa says. Todoroki already started moving and tried to get through the obstacle course.

I stood back and looked at the mines. If I wasn't careful I'd blow up, but they even said that it isn't powerful, so maybe I should be blowing them up. I end up moving and dodging all of the mines. I don't have to come in first, top 3 will be fine for me.

After I got barely through it I heard people approaching. "People who are in the lead are at a disadvantage; we loose our lead from being careful and we have to deal with more mines then them because by time they get to our point they have been blown up by someone." I sighed, UA has lots of dirty tricks up but it was well thought trough. Nothing less from Nezu.

I began to hear explosions, when my eyes turn around I see a Katsuki heading full speed towards me. "Ha, ha, ha! It's over!" He then uses another exploration to get in front of both Todoroki and I. "You bastard! Your declaration of war was to the wrong person!" Katsuki yelled as he then shoots an explosion at Todoroki.

"Just like that, a new student take the lead! The media here is going crazy! There is nothing more they love more than an uproar!" Mic yells.

I hear more explosions and looked behind me to see Iida using his speed to run through the mines. Since he was fast enough, they exploded behind him stead of in front him. I continued to go at my pace but decided I'll just ruin a little bit of fun for some people. Using any rocks that has been loosen from the ground from the already current explosions; I move them in certain places. Specially one before Iida and he gets hit with an explosion. Sorry Iida but there is no way I'll come in anywhere past 3rd.

"Hey hey hey! The rest of the competitors are catching up too!" I then make whatever pebbles near by go by Katsuki and Todoroki who was currently fighting each other as they now ran next to each other. Using those pebbles to go down on certain mines I make mines blow up in front of them "and what's this? Can our two leader fight each other and stay in front of the competition?" The two was thrown off balance with my 'attack'. Doing it again and again, specially as they was also trying to focus on fighting with each other, they slowed down enough to where I was able to get closer to them. When the time is right I plan on using my fire as a boost to jump a head of them.

A large explosion goes off and I looked behind me, a large pink cloud that was created by mines goes off. Just that alone made me stop running and look, as if also made Todoroki and Katsuki stop In their tracks. "What is with that huge explosion in the back?! That was way more powerful than it should be! Incredible!" My eyes widened when I notice someone flying in the air. It wasn't just someone- it was Izuku! "What just happened?! Whatever the case, class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit of first place!" He flys over me and the two boys. "Strike that! The lead is his!"

"That's what I'm talking about izuku!" I yell as his genius never cease to amaze me! But then my eyes widened, he was going straight down; I cried inside. It was a good idea but he had no time to think about how he was going to land!

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