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-y/n pov-

Ren filled me in with just about everything. I knew some of the major parts but he just helped me fill in some holes. For instance, how long I was missing. Apparently I had went missing for only 5 days but I could have sworn it was a lot shorter than that. On top of that, I was brought to the hospital with extremely strong sleeping narcotics coursing through my body. It was, no doubt, the thing Kurogiri had given me before passing out, but because of it, I was sleeping for an additional week and 4 days. 3 days away from being 2 weeks. This meant over 2 weeks had passed me without me noticing, meaning catching up in class was going to be difficult.

Ren has also informed me while I was out, everyone in class was coming to see me every once in awhile. When I was permitted friend visitors they had all came and brought the balloons and flowers. The girls of 1-A would periodically come all together every few days while Todoroki, Izuku, and Katsuki came every single day. I felt so happy just thinking that I was cared for enough for them to constantly check up on me. Ren also informed me Fortune indeed work for the league of villains like we had expected. After I had disappeared they had called fortune in suspicion that the League of villains being the ones who had kidnapped me. Kurogiri ended up showing up and receiving fortune as she claimed they hadnt kidnapped me like UA staff was expecting. Well at least she wasnt lying? Other than that, nothing much had happened while I was out.

After Katsuki had left visiting was cut off to people who werent family. This gave time for Aizawa, uncle Mic, uncle Yagi, Midnight, Cementoss, and grams to come and see me. I felt so at peace and at home with my family being here. Sometimes I often found myself wondering, where would I be if it wasnt for UA? would I be with Kurogiri and Tomura or I was picked up by someone else?

After visiting hours were done, everyone but Aizawa and my brothers were kicked out. Aizawa spent some time speaking to the nurse and making sure everything was okay with me. The nurse informed us that I was completely healed up besides from the fracture in my left leg. According to the nurse, I would be in a cast for 4 and a half weeks meaning I was going to have to learn how to use crutches.

As for when I would be release from the hospital, they were giving me as early as tomorrow noon. They wanted me to stay the night here just to make sure my vitals were okay before releasing me. After everything was set up it was just us 4 left in the room,

"Y/n, while we have the time, we need to talk about something" Aizawa says as Romeo was curled up next to me and laying with me. God he was so adorable.

"Did something happen?" I asked as his tone was serious. This cant be good,

"Unfortunately" He lets out a small sigh. He takes a seat in a chair next to Ren, "Were you aware of Tokoyami knowing you had more than one quirk?" Aizawa asked as my eyes widened in surprised,

"What do you mean? Tokoyami knows?" I asked and Aizawa nods,

"After you went missing your classmates were slightly suspicious of you. Its become obvious that you are different from the rest of them. From being targeted and how you are the only student in the entire class who misses out of at least one class every single day" I slightly frown as I was expecting this to happen, but I didnt expect it to be this soon, "Tokoyami spilled and told the class he has witnessed you using shadow during the sports festival" My eyes widened,

"You mean the cavalry battle?" I asked and he nods,

"We should have expected this as his quirk is extremely similar to Kuroko. Not only that, but he was right next to you when you did it." Aizawa lets out another sigh, "It got to the point Bakugou became involved and nearly attacked Tokoyami. Thankfully I caught them in the nick of time and I told the class that Tokoyami wasnt wrong. Right now, your classmates who already dont know about your quirk, is under the impression you have only two quirks. They see your situation a little similar to Todoroki's so they arent completely overwhelmed buy the news of you having another quirk. In addition, I made it clear that speaking of your quirk will lead to consequences. So they shouldnt bother you about it once you go back to school, but make sure that is in the back of your mind that they do know now" Aizawa pauses as he stands up, "Despite all of that, we should plan on telling them about your quirk sooner or later. We will continue to wait until youre comfortable but as the gap in time continues to grow, youll find yourself struggling to be more willing to come clean. Obviously, this is your choice but I know you want to tell everyone but youre afraid" Aizawa walks over and comes to ruffle up my hair slightly, "If you do end up deciding that you dont want to know youre going to have to figure out what you will do from there on. You are a child of UA, but UA cant protect you forever. Do you understand?"

I nod, "Yeah, I understand"

Aizawa then turns to Ren, "Its getting late"

Romeo shoots his head up, "Can I stay with big sis y/n?!" He asked and Ren laughs while shaking his head no,

"Sorry kiddo," Ren stands up as he walks over to Romeo, "You have school tomorrow and the hospital is too far from your school" Ren then picks up Romeo and places him down on the ground. Romeo began to pout, "Do you want me to stay here with you?" Ren asks and I shake my head no.

"No Im okay. Thank you though" I say with a smile and he nods. With that they turn their heels and walk out. I let out a small sigh as I lean back on the medical bed, "So they ended up finding out huh..." I let out a small sigh as I closed my eyes. It makes it worse that the quirk the discovered was the quirk taken from me not long afterwards. How am I going to even explain that my quirk had been stolen from me right out from under my nose? My fists slightly tighten, I didnt understand any of this. There was no doubt in my mind that the League of Villains are behind Kuroko's disappearance now that it is confirmed Fortune works with the League of villains. But why? It was obvious that I had relation to both Tomura and Kurogiri, which may be the reason why they came and saved me from Junji. Why would they take Kuroko from me? None of this was adding up. If they cared enough to save me from Junji, why didnt they care enough on how I'd be effected after they took Kuroko away from me. Was it because of Fortune or is there something going on?

Either way, there was no way I wouldnt be seeing the League of Villains again from this point on. They will definitely show their face again, and when that time comes, Ill get what I want. Both answers and Kuroko.


Hey guys : ) I just wanted to write a little message to you some of you who has really been sticking next to me

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Hey guys : ) I just wanted to write a little message to you some of you who has really been sticking next to me. I've been a literal emotional mess but I know im going to be okay because I have all of you guys. I also wanted to say sorry to the people who I have or may worry, but I kind of have no where else to dump my emotions. But for everyone who has been here for me while ive been spiraling down, thank you : ) I appreciate every single one of you and I wish you guys understood how much you guys help me out. Really, thank you so much for being here for me when I cant rely on anyone else. Thank you so much. I love you so much. <3

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