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-no pov-

Midoriya stands in the middle of the mall where Y/n had left him. He waited patiently for her, "Oh, its someone from UA, nice" a voice speaks up as a man walks next to Midoriya, "I want an autograph" The man says wrapping his arm around Midoriya's shoulder and Midoriya gasps sightly as he was confused, "You were the one who got beat to hell at the sports festival, right?" The man says as his lips were chapped and the dark black hood was pulled over his head, hiding his silvery blue hair.

"Uh, Yeah" Midoriya says awkwardly,

"Arent you also one of the students who ran into the Hero Killer in the Hosu incident, too? Youre practically famous!"

"You sure do know a lot" Midoriya was getting more awkward by the second,

"What can I say?" The man says with a small smirk, "Im just a big fan of yours. I cant believe Im running into you again." Suddenly Midoriya's eyes widen, "It makes me think that it might not be a coincidence" Tomura's hand moves to Midoriya's neck, keeping his middle finger from touching Midoriya's neck, which prevented Midoriya from dying right there and then. "No, no. This feels like it's destiny. Oh, right. From your point of view, we havent met since the attack on UA" Tomura says with a chuckle and Midoriya's face is filled with shock and fear. Midoriya's head turns to look at who exactly this man was and his eyes widened even bigger as they meet with familiar red eyes. "Why dont we spend some time catching up, Izuku Midoriya" Tomura pauses before speaking again, "Act natural. Dont make a scene. Im just an old friend who ran into you at the mall. Calm down and wipe that look off your face. I think we should have a conversation, is all" Tomura smiles, "A friendly chat. Oh, and of course, if you try to run or fight me in any way..." Tomura begins to wiggle his middle finger that hovers above Izuku's skin, "Well, it will be fast. Soon as all five of my fingers touch your neck, your throat will be the first thing that disintegrates. In a matter of seconds, youll be nothing more than dust and powdered bone. We wouldnt want to do that, specially to your friends..." Tomura trails, not giving Y/n's name which could give away the League being after her.

"If you do that here where there are so many people, a hero will come and catch you in no time. you couldnt escape"

"I dont doubt that" Tomura points at the people standing around them, "But look at these sheep. Any one of them could use their quirks and start a massacre whenever they wanted. And yet they are all here, smiling. They think laws and rules will protect them, because they assume everyone has their same morals. They are convinced nothing bad could ever happen to them. After you, I could kill 20... 30... Maybe even more before a pro showed up and managed to stop me"

"I get it" Midoriya sighs, giving in, "Lets talk"

Tomura chuckles, "This is nice. A real moment. Let's go grab a seat and get comfortable, why dont we?" Tomura forces Midoriya to walk forward as they began to walk down to find somewhere to sit.

Y/n walks out of the bathroom a few minutes after, sighing as there was a small line to use the rest room. Her eyes widened when she doesnt spot Midoriya standing in the spot she left him. She rushes over to the spot and looks around for Midoriya. "He left?" She asked with a frown but suddenly shakes her head no, "No, he wouldnt do that" Y/n says to herself as she pulls off her bookbag to grab her phone.


"I hate basically everything. But the Hero Killer pisses me off the most right now" Tomura complains,

"Isnt he one of your guys?" Midoriya asked as he couldnt believe he had gotten himself in this situation. He wondered if Y/n had come out and noticed he was gone. He hopes she doesnt run over here finding them. She had only gotten kidnapped not that long ago and it was obvious that the League of Villains were interested in Y/n.

"Not technically, but thats what the media made it look like. And thats what my problem is. Its like suddenly, everyone is obsessed with that stupid Hero Killer. The attack on UA, the Nomus I released on Hosu-- He upstaged all of it. No one is even giving me a second thought. Why is that? Despite what he claims to believe, all he really did was try to get rid of whatever things he didnt like" Tomura bends forward with a small unsettling chuckle, "What do you think the difference is between us, Midoriya?" Tomura asked as Midoriya shook in the palm of Tomura's hand.

"Whats the difference? I dont understand you. Your goals and your villains... I dont agree with anything you do. I dont agree with the hero killer either. But I can understand him. At least, sort of. Because the Hero Killer and I have something in common. We're inspired by All Might" Midoriya gulps, "That night, he even saved me from the flying Nomu. He's a maniac, but he doesnt destroy things just because it sounds fun. Even when things were looking bad for him, he didnt abandon his mission like you did. Even if the way he acted was wrong, he held true to his beliefs. Thats the difference." Midoriya regrets what he says as Tomura could kill him right now for talking down on Tomura. Midoriya stiffens as his phone in his pocket begins to ring,

"Ah. Thats like a weight off my chest. I see now... All the dots connected. Why he makes me so angry, Why you irritate me so much- Everything makes sense" Midoriya looks in fear as he watches Tomura's face which twisted into a smile. "its him. The problem is All Might" Midoriya's eyes widened, "Yeah, yeah. That's it. Thats the most rational explanation" Tomura begins to laugh, "It was in front of me this whole time. I mean, I always knew it was him but I thought it may have been something else. All of my problems stem from All Might. What was I worrying about so much? Its so simple now. He's the reason why these morons can smile so thoughtlessly." Tomura's grip tighten around Midoriya's neck. "They feel so safe because that garbage pro is smiling thoughtlessly, too, as if there is no one in the whole world he cant save. Its all because of him I was robbed of what belongs to me!" The grip tightens as Izuku's phone was still going off, "Oh, Im glad we had this chat. I feel better. I cant thank you enough, Midoriya." Midoriya reaches up as he was beginning to have a hard time breathing, "I dont need to change my ways after all. Dont struggle too much now. Unless you want to die. That would make Y/n extremely sad and all these people around us will crumble right after you."


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