Nagahama Neru

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Keyaki House

"Neru I miss you," Techi whined at the back.

"Funny how that's coming out from your mouth Techi," Akane stated and laughed along with the rest of the girls.

"Come on Nen, leave those kids alone."

"They hardly see each other, I'm sure they really miss each other," captain Sugai Yuuka came to the rescue and took the chance to grab her girlfriend by the shoulder.

Techi's face was red and she immediately hid behind Neru.

She did not expect her voice to be that loud but she just could not help it. Their recent schedule just never match and if it was not for Keyaki House, she doubted she would see Neru any sooner.

Neru did not say anything during the whole exchange but gave out a small shy smile as Yurina began to hide behind her.

"Alright, filming is going to begin soon, all be ready," Sugai clapped and got all the attention she needed. "You know what girls? Just be yourself, this is a time for us to relax"





*tap tap*


"Why are you ignoring me? I said I missed you earlier and you didn't even look at me"

"I missed you too, idiot. I was just spacing out. All the schedule is tiring me out recently."

"Ah... sorry, I should've let you rest," Techi replied, visibly distraught.

"Eh? No, no it's okay! How's your treatment going? Sorry I wasn't able to accompany you."

"It's fine, the treatment is going well. Muu-chan have been following me for treatment."

"Ahh... that's great then."

Jealousy could be scary, especially when it came to Neru, but there was nothing she could complain about since she knew Techi treated Rina as a sister.

Halfway into filming, Neru retreated into the room to take a short rest as she was feeling tired, leaving Techi to roam around herself.


"Oh, Risa!"

"Have you seen Manaka recently?"

"Yeah, she came by the hospital while I was having treatment. Why? She hasn't contacted you yet?"

"Yeah, she didn't reply to my messages as well"

"You two... are still together right?"

"I guess so..."

"I will talk to her. You know how dumb she is, I will knock her head when I see her. Don't worry too much, she won't give up on you."

"Alright, take care of yourself kid"

"Haha, I will."

After Risa and Techi parted, Techi just started to roam around the place again. The villa was huge and the members were scattered all around the place.

Seeing all her members again was actually a blessing to her, especially since she did not really see them recently. What's more was that even if she saw them, there tend to be someone missing, especially Neru since she was busy with her drama filming as well.

As she roamed around, she unconsciously went outside to the poolside and enjoyed the night view of the villa. From the side of her eye she spotted Uemura filming her with her camera.

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